p. 128




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Thursday May 27th.. Rainy. Sewed about all day for myself
and Harriet. Wrote in the evening. -- Cornelius cut his
finger badly while at play

Friday.. Pleasant. Sewed most of the morning and afternoon
Mother attended Mrs Smillie?'s funeral in N.Y.
Made a long pleasant call on Mary Reeve before tea.
It is some time since and have had a good long chat
together and we fully enjoyed it. Mary gave me a book-
-mark -- a cross wreathed with flowers. The word Truth
above it and Love below. A very appropriate keepsake!
for truly love and truth are teh bonds that unite our
souls. Sweet Mary, she is very dear to me!
Mr Murphy took tea with us.

Saturday.. Pleasant. Quite busy in sewing [He?]. Copied some
letters for Father. We expected sousin Thomas over to
pass the Sabbath with us but were disappointed.

Sunday.. Very fine day.. Attended our church all day and
S. [Singing] School in the afternoon. Father preached

A new superintendent was installed in the Sabbath School
His name is Mr Reed a young theological student, and a
man well [wited?] to us. A very fine young man indeed
energetic, thorough, pious and pleasing. The children were
all delighted with him, and readily promised that nothing
should be wanting on their part to aid in prospering and
filling up the school. They went away eager to bring in

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