p. 124




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Saturday. Very Rainy. Occupied with my usual duties.
Mr Murphy took tea with us. Read and wrote in the

Sunday. Pleasant. In the morning Natty and I attended
divine service at Central Hall. Rev Henry Ward Beecher
preached from His principal topic was
selfishness, and the impossibility of a selfish person
obtaining true happiness. It is the first time I have
ever heard him preach and was highly pleased,
the house was crowded with eager and attentive listeners
In the afternoon attended S. [Singing] School and preaching of our
church. Father preached from Galatians 1:15-16.
Mr Joseph I-- walked home with me. Evening in reading

Monday. Pleasant. Thunder storms in the afternoon.
Wrote to Kate Hudson in the evening. Retired early.

Tuesday. Pleasant. Mother and Harriet went to N.Y. to buy
new parlor carpets and to make calls -- were gone
nearly all day. In the morning Carrie made an unusual
effort and called on the Culberts. They persuaded her to
stay to dinner and kept her till the middle of the afternoon
I felt quite anxious about her before [she?] returned.
Millie and I were left alone together most all day.
Poor little Millie! time hangs heavy on his hands!
Went out of an errand before tea. Mr Murphy spent the
evening here.

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