max 56.5
min 33.5
10 ducks
Killed. Crawford went to the other camp ste
site to try and find some traps he set last
winter. He saw a large x river break out and
took photos of some. Saw an old bear track.
He saw several seals but was unable to get a
shot at any of them. After supper a bear and
two cubs were seen across the smooth ice to the
S. E. but the wind, which was light, was blow-
ing in her direction started her South into the
rough ice. We knew the condition of the snow
in the rough ice near our camp and Knew
that at every step a person would go in over
their Knees, so we did not follow the 3 bears.
Two seals were seen and I got in a couple
of long range shots at them with no luck. The
large river near our camp xxxx broke out
today. Variable airs. Cloudy & warm
max 39.8 min 28.2
1 seal by Galle
Galle got a seal today about 1 1/2 mi. S.W
of camp. A large female. Variable airs. Cloudy
max 37.5
min 32.0
Crawford killed a seal which slid into his hole
before he was able to reach it. He later wounded
another which got away. I took a walk up
the river for about 3 or 4 miles and saw s-geese.
At least, so I judge, 80% of the snow is still
on the ground but thawing rapidly. Maurer
tried a seal with no success. Variable breezes.
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