



Status: Incomplete


1 Brant.
2 ducks K.

max 43.0
min 33.5

Maurer spent the day sealing and altho he
saw 7 seals he was unable to secure one.
Crawford took a walk to the West ward and
saw a great quantity of drift woord. I shot
2 King Eiders, male & female. Also 1 Brant.
Male. The river which broke out on
has gone down and can be waded easily
at nearly any place. Light breeze from W. Clear.

2 old squaws K
2 seals Maurer

max 43.5
min 31.5

I saw 3 seals early in the morning but had no
success with them. Crawford tried after one seal with
no luck. Galle tried, at two different times, after 4
seals with the same luck as Crawford and I. Later in
the day I wounded a seal which got away. Maurer
spent the day to the Eastward and got two seals, a
male & female. I shot two " old squaw " ducks in
the river near camp. A fine day with a light br.
from the W.

1 Eider K
max 27.0
min 26.5

Crawford and I hauled the two seals home early this
morning that Maurer killed yesterday. Crawford went after
a seal to the South this A.M. with no luck. Maurer to
a walk a couple of miles East on the ice but saw no seals.
I kiled a female Eider duck at camp. Blowing
a very strong breeze from the East accomp. write by
rain. Very cloudy and thick. We see a great many

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