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a few miles and found a great quantity of wood.
I took a walk up the river for a couple of miles
and saw the first running water of the season, a
pool draining from the bank into the river bottom.
Saw a raven and shot a bird for speciman.
Had a little rain today and lots of clouds and wind
from the East.

max 40.0
min 31.0

Saw seals in toward the S. & W. Crawford took a
try at them but did not get near within shooting
distance of them. Cloudy. Light breeze from E. N. E.

max 42.0
min 29.5

2 ducks

Saw the same seals or at least seals at the same
hole as we saw yesterday. I went after them and most
all of them went down at a distance varying from
300 yds to 1/2 mile. I am sure I was as carfull as I
could be. Galle shot a male & female "King" (?) Eider"
Several more were seen. Foggy & occasional drizzels

14 ducks
2 geese

max 47.5
min 29.5

Extremely foggy all day until about 6 P.M. so took
advantage of the fog to kill ducks which flew along
the bare sandspit to the W. flying. Most ducks flew
East. Altogether 15 ducks and two geese were killed.
I took a walk up the river for a couple of miles
and got one shot at some geese but misjudged
distance because of a dense fog, completely missing
Now 9.30 P.M. misty. Light breeze from the East.

---- Duck shoot all day, 10 ducks

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