p. 18 and 19




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18 Yellow Bud Creek
a little time in the afternoon when
we took a walk a little dista-
nce from the house to ex-
amine a quarry of pudding-stone or of Breccia
lately discovered by father.
These [masses?] of cemented
gravel are frequent thro-
ughout Ohio -- Astratum
of gravel belong to the antedi-
luvion formation, which is
found in the river bottoms
throughout the state is occa-
sionally cemented by
springs running through them
whose water is impregnated
[*Variety Crag]

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Yellow Bud Creek 19

with calcereous or ferrigneous
particles which being depos-
itied in the interstices between
the gravel, formes [forms] the cement

Nov 24 Manday [Monday]
This morning on cutting open a turnip
I discovered a cavity in which was
a young sprout of this plant bearing an
exact resemblance to this plant when
it first makes its appearance above
the ground in the spring

Darius went to Chillicothe
today and in the evening returned
and brought a letter from Dr.
Hildreth of Marrieta O.

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