Nov. 1, 1828 to [Oct.] Sept. 7, 1827
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Shippingport Ky. Nov 1st 1828
A rainy and I stayed in my room all the fore-noon, after dinner I went up to Louisville to ascertain whether there was a steam boat about to go to Cincinnatti [Cincinnati] Found that the Talisman will leave there for the above mentioned place at 9 o' clock tomorrow morning - Got some money of Mr. Goodwin.
Sunday Nov. 2, 1828.
This morning after breakfast I road in a hack to Louisville got on board of the Steam boat
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[left page] Talisman for Cincinnati and about half past 9 o' clock got under way -
Monday Nov 3rd 1828
On account of our having to lay by for the fog in the night we did not arrive at Cincinnati until evening. The fair [fare] going up the is six dollars and going down four dollars.
The hills, which gradually increase in height as we procede [proceed] up the river, are composed of limerock presenting mural precipices of this rock near their sum-
[right page] mits. I found Parri at his boarding house where I took supper - after which we brought my trunk and keg of specimens up to the office of the Western Tiller where works and where I stayed during the night.
Cincinnatti [Cincinnati] Ohio Nov. 4th 1828
Put up at Denisons Inn. Shewed [showed] my specimens to the proprietor of the Western Musium [Museum] who said he would exchange for some of them. He choose [chose] such as he wanted and gave me in return, two variety
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[left page] Cincinnati
of Lava, Carnelian, etc. Turritella Pentrema flonalis from Ky. & Trilobite from Indiana, bendes some others - After doing this and examining the curiosities of this musium [museum] I took a walk along the bank of the river up to the reservoir from which the City is supplied with water Found, in the [underlined] clay slate [/underlined] which is here inter posed between the layors [layers] of limerock, several specimens of millipoides- saw the Unio [underlined] ovatus, cumatus cylindricus, Poliatus [/underlined], and one species, which I observed that
[right page] I do not recollect having seen at the Ohio Falls
Wednesday Nov 5th 1828
At 10 o' clock this morning I started in the stage for Chillicothe - we passed along the base of the hills to Columbia at the mouth of the Little Miami thence through Newtown & Batavia, to Williamsburgh where we put up for the night
Nov 6th Left our lodging at three o' clock this morning and passing through