.p 10 and 11




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16 Yellow Bud Creek

...adjoining the Scioto valley, see the letter from Darius above referred to. Stayed with him at the quarry all day.
Saturday Oct 8 -
This morning Pagain went to the quarry with Darius and when we returned at noon we found Father at the inn with each of us a horse to ride up to the Yellow Bud Creek about 10 miles from Chillicothe in a northern direction & it is here that our job on the Ohio canal is situated and here also the family resides.

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11 Yellow bud creek

We arrived a little before night - found several of the younger members of the family shaken with ague and fever.
Nov 9th Sunday
Stayed at home all day.
Nov 10th 1828
In the forenoon I made a table for writing upon &c. and in the afternoon I spent my time in laying out a grind stone for William to cut - Darius left us for Chillicothe this morning about sun-rise.

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