p. 8 and 9
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Hillsburgh and Bainbridge arrived at Chilliocthe at 9 o'clock PM. This rout is the same as that taken by Darius in June last and as it is very minutely as well as very correctly described by him in hi s letter to me dated Chillicothe June 23 1828, I do not think it is neccessary to repeat his observations. The rock at the mouth of the Rocky fork of the Paint Creek belongs [I think] to the [illegible] and that this rock is here, as at the Ohio Falls...
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Chillicothe Ohio
...immediately overlaid by the third gray [wacke?], without the intervention of the geodiferous & [cormtiferous?] limerocks as was supposed by him.
Fryday Nov 7th
Found Darius this morning and after breakfast we went to the quarry which is of sandstone very similar to that found at the quarry 10 miles below the Ohio Falls, belonging to the third graywacke formation of Eaton - for further perticulars [sic] respecting the geology of the hills...
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