[p.108], [F8597_0111]
No. 178 Bilious Complaint Mr. Browne
Take at the first attack an Emetic of 6 grains of powder Ipecacuana which work off with oatmeal tea. When you go to bed after the operation of the vomit take the following anodyn Peppermint water 11/2 ozs Nutmeg water 2 drachms Thebaic Tincture 20 drops simple syrup 2 - do- In the morning begin the following require pills. Take Castile soap 3 drachms, Powder Rhubarb 1 drachme oil Juniper 20 drops, syrup sufficient to make a mass which divide into 50 pills take 4 of them twice or thrice a day. In case a stool not procured by the vomit, take 1 1/2 ozs tincture of Rhubarb before you begin the Pills. Let your diet be broths or light meats.
No 179 Bitter Clyster Mr. browne
Take Wormwood 1 oz boiled in a pint of water until 1/2 is consumed of which take about 2 ozs to which add oil of wormwood 16 drops of Savine 16 drops & inject morning & evening for several days, which will destroy the small worms near the [frudament?]
No. 180 Lurking Fever Mr. Browne
Take Emetic Tartar 10 grains, Red Coral prepared 3 drachms Let these be well rubbed in a marble mortar together, then give if a grown person from 15 to 20 grains in some weak gruel twice or thrice a day for a child about 8 grains wgich in the 1m dose act both upward & downward & is in fact equal to James Powder.
No. 181 Febrifuge Tincture of Bark. Mr. Browne
Bark in Powder 3 oz Virginian snake roots 2 drachms Gentians 2 drachms - Digest in a quart of Brandy for 5 or 6 days dose in a weakness or intermittents 2 tea spoonful 3 or 4 times a day.
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