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[p. 109], [F8597_0111a]

No.398 Rasberry Vinegar.
2 full quarts of very ripe Rasberries 1 quart vinegar to stand 5 days, stir it everyday & bruise them a little then put it in a jelly bag & when strained put near 1 lb lump sugar to each pint of juice boil all together 15 or 20 minutes skim it a little. lay a piece of muslin in a funnel pour the hot syrup through it into a bason & when cold bottle it.

No. 399 Ginger Wine.
52 quarts of water 36 lbs lump sugar 1 1/4 lbs best Ginger bruised the ppel of 14 lemons pared very thin let it boil an hour & standtill luke warm. Then put it into a cask with the juice of 18 lemons 8 spoonsful of yeast & 6 lbs of very stalky raisins. Boil your ginger in bags & put it in [?] cask stir it everyday for 12 days then put in [?] isinglass & stop it close the isinglass dissolve into a jelly with an ounce of Pyroligenous Acid then dissolve the jelly in about a quart of [?] before pouring it into the cask. Must be kept 6 months. For 10 Gallons sugar 30 lbs ginger 1 lb Lemons 15 Raisins 5 lbs Water 43 1/2 qts. For 6 galls: Sugar 18 lbs ginger 10 ozs Lemons 9 Raisins 3 lbs water 26 quarts.

No. 400 Arrowroot Pudding.
4 large table spoofulls of arrowroot put into a basin & break 3 eggs into it rub them well together & pour over it rather more than a pint of boiling milk stirring well all the time, it it comes to the consistency of a custard it is done ( if not you must boil it till it is) Butter a mould pour it in stand it in boiling water & let it boil an hour. Two table spoonsful of white sugar ia an improvement & it may be served with wine sauce.

No. 401 ? What is this
1 oz Isinglass 1 quart milk 1 oz sweet almonds 2 ozs of bitter almonds as much sugar as you please rind of a lemon

No. 402 Marlborough Pudding.
no 414 better
3 ozs crushed orange peel cut fine 6 ozs powdered loaf sugar & 6 ozs fresh butter melted over the fire with the yolks of 6 eggs taking care not to let it boil or it will curdle Line in dish with a thin puff paste & lay the peel at the bottom pour the ingridents over hot & bake 1/2 an hour.

No.403 Lemon Cheese Cakes.
No.421 better
1/2 lb powdered loafSugar juice 2 lemons & rinds of both grated the yolks of 3 & whites of 2 eggs. to be well mixed.

No. 404 Fig pudding.
6 ozs suet cut fine 10 ozs bread crumbs 4 ozs moist sugar 1 oz dried orange peel 7 figs cut in slices mix it with one teasupful of milk the whites of 2 & yolks of 4 eggs put in a buttered mould boil 4 hours serve with wine sauce

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