Adventure of [[Buffalora]]
[[Novarra]] the first Town in the
^ [[Piedmontere]], King of [[Sardinias]] Dominions about
14 Miles from [[Buffalora]] - where we
lodg'd [lodged] -
Tuesday - Aug'st [August] 20th I got up
at 4 OClock in the Morning & return'd [returned]
to Tickinon [[Ticino?]] - where we found so many
Chaises & People waiting that we could
not cross in our Turn till after 11
OClock - We had left our own Viturino
& Trunks at Novarra; & were late resolved
to apply to the Dogana at [[Milan]], & to carry
the Sev'l [Several] Articles w'ch [which] had been siezed in
our Pockets to show the Officers there
to relate the whole affair, & see what
redress we could get - As we carry'd
no Baggage we passed [[Buffalora]]
without being visited by those Officers
of the Dogana again & proceeded
five Miles furth'r [further] tow'ds [towards] [[Milan]] where
we dined - After Dinner as
we had a Chaise & for Horses we
reach'd [reached] [[Milan]] at 6 OClock in the
Evening but too late to do any thing
furth'r [further] in the Affair than wait on
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