Arts and sciences; chemistry.

[England], 1777. Collection of recipes (numbered 1-253 with many errors) for alchemical and practical applications such as making candles, butter, varnish, many types of ink (including a recipe for "magic ink", p. 201), sealant for waterproofing shoes (p. 15), cement for mending broken china or glass (p. 205), and occasional medicinal uses such as preventing yellow fever (p. 158). Alchemical recipes include instructions for turning white sapphires into diamonds (p. 208), creating artificial diamonds (p. 193) and artificial pearls (p. 206), creating a powder that burns green (p. 160), and how to give new colors (p. 85) or new fragrances (p. 87) to flowers. Other instructions include a method for preserving animals such as dogs and horses at the size they were at birth (p. 183), purifying water (p. 15), sending secret letters written on the inside of an egg (p. 185-186), how to wash fleecy hosiery (p. 191), and predicting whether a sick person will live or die (p. 135). A printed clipping for how to grow radishes has been pasted in (p. 118) and a print of a plan for a smelting furnace has been laid into the manuscript. Also includes an alphabetical index (p. v-xxviii) and 7 leaves laid into the manuscript with additional recipes such as a remedy for scurvy and a recipe for iron gall ink. One leaf written in French for a recipe for magic ink (Gibraltar, 15 May 1795).


p. 6
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p. 6

[Tackhous] Agate 1 Arbor Diana 89 Amber grease to imitate 134 Aurum Vitae 146 Aqua Ardens 150 Aurum Potabile 136 Amber [et bae] 174 Aqua vegetabilis 198

Last edit over 4 years ago by Mick
p. 7
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p. 7

Bees strange to discover 1. Birds to preserve 3. Brass Utensils to polish 5 Buggs to kill 14. 65.156 Balls for Spots in Cloth. 74 Blacking to [ ] water 75 Ball that takes Mars here 35 Boards New like Old 104 Bread from Potatoes 151 Balsam of ☿ [mercury] 145

Last edit over 4 years ago by Mick
p. 8
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p. 8


Copper white, to make 7. Crystal to harden 82 Compost for Flowers 84 Capillaire as an Mentpelier 102 Colours to Flowers 85 Compost for exotic Trees 88 Canker on Hyacinths 95 Capillaire Syrrop . 96 Copper Plates to harden. 110 Cement under Water 113. Candles like Wax 117 Candle curious 118 Charcoal its Properties 123 Corn to make a Coop 124 Curious Work 136 Chimneys to blacken 157 Candles good 152 Cement for Glasses 205

Last edit over 4 years ago by Mick
p. 9
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p. 9


Dogs. to follow you 19. Dulufy Vineus Spirits 107 Dogs & other Animals to keep smaller when first born 183 Diamonds artificial 193

Last edit over 4 years ago by Mick
p. 10
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p. 10

Eggs to stain lett Spas . 113 Earthquake artificiel -119 Essence of Hervert- 191 [Tal. Elebratt?] to prepare 203

Last edit over 4 years ago by Mick
Displaying pages 6 - 10 of 255 in total