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10. To make white Copper. [single line] Rx [recipe] Arsenic ℔ [pound] ss [1/2] _ Salt Petre ℥ [ounce] iv [4] _ Tarter ℥ [ounce] iv [4] _ Borax _ Sandiver [aa] ℥ [ounce] ii [2]-finely powderd & mixd & put them in a good Crucibel in a Wind Furnace for an Hour. to Stew well - pour it out [kyur] well have a white Mass -- Take another Crucible, & take some Copper [-sem] old Coppers, and pour any other that has been esposed to the weather ℥ [ounce] iii [3]--Tinsel aa [long line over "aa"] cut them into small Peices, make them red hot, & throw them into a Quart of Urine in wh you have deposed a Handful of common Salt.__[Powderd] Tartar ℥ [ounce] ii [2] -Allum ℥ [ounce] i [1] -- [center in] making them red hot 10 or 12 times & let the [Samina]
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lay in the liquer a little time each heating -- This purifies the Copper, & takes all the bad [week], so that it does not decompose in the Air, nor is un wholesome to use either for drinking or eating utensils.
When the Copper is thus purified, you put it in the Crucible, set it in the Wind Furness, let it melt till it [weeks], pour out the Mass, pulverise it, add a spoonful of the other Mass to it, & stir them well with a Stick & stop you mouth in this operatn & put a Piece of [pech] Butter in you Mouth which prevents the bad effects of the Vapour, & spit it out again -- To ℥ss [half ounce] of the Metal put ℥ [ounce] iss [1 1/2] of the Powder, when it is well mixd, put in some [chap] broken glass let it melt, & take it out again, & put
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in the Bigness of two Walnuts of powderd Sal Ammoniac [sofly] powderd. let it stew well, pour it into a Cone, & you will have white Copper -- If you will make it better Rx [recipe] of this Copper ℔ [pound] i [1] - add of Silver Wire ℥ [ounce] ii [2]-melt them together with Sal. Ammon: & you will have a good Metal, as often as you melt it you must add Sal Ammon: & it will be malleable_ & when you work it, you must let it glow gently, & cool again__& when heat it gently pour the Thickest State, till it is thinner, & fit for the Hammer, for if you beet it hot it will work well you must observe, + the oftener you warm it + beil it qurlly[quickly] the better it will be_ You may make where its if thu, + draw it to wire, but you must observe, when it is ready, to neal it, + clean
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it with Sand + Ashes, + boil it 2 or 3 times [bb] year de Silver, if you nealit brown, + polish it it will be very good witherit grey alloy you may draw it to wire, + it will be like Silver of 6 1/2 Alloy + fit for all werk.
[double line]
11. Princes Metal.
[double line] Put ℥üÿ [ounce] of Tartar in a Crucible give fire [fuliuent?] to make it red hot moyeel equal parts of fall eke at different times, + yor will have a yellow mop, + take it off + let it cool + you will have a good Flux which puruines from the Air. Then take of good Copper wire or Filings ℥üÿ , let it flew in a Crucible till it werks, nemero in the Flux + give a strong Fire till it flows_ Then