Arts and sciences; chemistry.

[England], 1777. Collection of recipes (numbered 1-253 with many errors) for alchemical and practical applications such as making candles, butter, varnish, many types of ink (including a recipe for "magic ink", p. 201), sealant for waterproofing shoes (p. 15), cement for mending broken china or glass (p. 205), and occasional medicinal uses such as preventing yellow fever (p. 158). Alchemical recipes include instructions for turning white sapphires into diamonds (p. 208), creating artificial diamonds (p. 193) and artificial pearls (p. 206), creating a powder that burns green (p. 160), and how to give new colors (p. 85) or new fragrances (p. 87) to flowers. Other instructions include a method for preserving animals such as dogs and horses at the size they were at birth (p. 183), purifying water (p. 15), sending secret letters written on the inside of an egg (p. 185-186), how to wash fleecy hosiery (p. 191), and predicting whether a sick person will live or die (p. 135). A printed clipping for how to grow radishes has been pasted in (p. 118) and a print of a plan for a smelting furnace has been laid into the manuscript. Also includes an alphabetical index (p. v-xxviii) and 7 leaves laid into the manuscript with additional recipes such as a remedy for scurvy and a recipe for iron gall ink. One leaf written in French for a recipe for magic ink (Gibraltar, 15 May 1795).


p. 41

p. 41

[Sal alcali] [sic] Then Rx [recipe] of the best Zink ʒ [dram] iiii [4] Tutty aa + the [t?]of a walnut of Venetian Borax, mix & throw these into the Crucible, & it will immediately crackle, & you will have a light yellow Matter with a yellow Flame rise up, when this is by degrees gone off + well worked. Stir the [shaves?] well with an iron wire till it is burnt + the Copper remains very hot in the Flux, Pour it into an Ingot well smeared with wax, +you may ham mer it + draw it to wire, + it will work + look like the best Gold.

NB This is exactly given in the School of Arts under the name of Aurum sophisticum_ Pag:35.t.sol

[double line]

Last edit about 1 month ago by Mick
p. 42

p. 42


A beautiful Foil for precious or false Stone w ch [which] exceeds all others.

[double line]

Cut a Piece of Pewter as thick as the back of a knife exactly the Size of the Stone + put it into the Setting, put upon it some good [punfeu?] Quicksilver, + it will stick set the Stone upon this just to [saithety?] + the Stone will have a beautiful [keeske?], the Quicksilver will be even upon the Pewter. Foil.

[double line]

13. To bleach Linnen very well + soon

[double line]

wash it in warm water , + then dip it in a good deep Pot

Last edit over 4 years ago by Kareobl
p. 43

p. 43

13 Ashes _ wash it out in clean water, + Lay it upon the grass in fine weather for 7 or [8?] days all night to receive the dew + then wash it again with the same [lee?]

[double line]

14 To clean Tapestry + Needlewerk

[double line] Beat them well to get out all the Dust, + then do the over with [whiting?] and water, + [bbb] when dry brush it well with [a herd?]Brush. When it has been in the Air 7 or 8 hours, + is quite dry, repeat this, + beet [brush] it with

15 To purify well that have been closed for some time.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Kareobl
p. 44

p. 44

it down with a String as far as the water, then fire the Gun Powder with a hot Tool, + it will clean the well of every noxious vapor.

[double line]

16. To Kill Buggs.

[single line]

Mix Oil of Turpentine with the Neapolitan Ointment, + smear the Bedstead, + peel into the [ottebes?] where the Buggs are + they will be destroyed.

[double line] 17 To [Colo le tterine?] - Pigment for Wood of the Artilery [double line] at Gibralter [Goent OZEH] Rx[recipe] Pitch 10 tt + Tar tty as much Rosen tty + 1 Quart [Fabuin?] Oil Grease or oil as will give it the Consistence of Paint, melt these together

Last edit over 4 years ago by Kareobl
p. 45

p. 45

[in the left margin] [Brukdun tty and R.B. You sneerl have two Keltty to wife oltemately fer large werk?] and ther in "ud Oker" [underlined] or powdered brick dust, werk it warm, if too thick Cover with Oil too thin add resin [double line] 18. To keep Wet from Shoes [double line] Rx. Rosen ℥i - Mutton Suet ℥ÿNeats foot Oil ℥iÿ- Mix these well + soak the Shoes, Soles. [fe?] well, fer 14 days scrape + wear them a day, baste them again, + hang them up for 14 days more. [double line] 19. To clear muddy water to drink [double line] Throw in ℥ss of Allum powdered to 12 Gallons of muddy water, + in one hour + half it will be perfectly clear.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Kareobl
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 255 in total