p. 227
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4 revisions | Kareobl at Jan 19, 2021 07:07 PM p. 227198
{239struck through} 241 To make large
241 Pearls from Small
{sidebar, illegible but for the date 1801}
Rx [alchemy symbol?] 9 times put the Seed Pearl
into it, set them in Horse Dung or in
a Heat equal boil to putrify [?]
Days Take them out & they will be soft
Have a Silver Mold like a Bullet
Mold gilt within — Run a Hogs Bristle thro
& they will harden—
[In?] a [alchemy symbol] [?] large Earth [?]
[?] put the Pearl Paste in it & they
will be very hard - Remove them to a
Water [?] [?] Blood & they will be
{sidebar: to the D of
Aug 20 1806}
Aqua vegetabilies
Rx Venetian [?] [alchemy symbol: sublimation] 7 times with [a.s.: salt]
well decrepitated put it in a [a.s.: retort] and
198 {sidebar, illegible but for the date 1801} Rx [alchemy symbol?] 9 times put the Seed Pearl {sidebar: to the D of p. 227198
{239struck through} 241 To make large
241 Pearls from Small
{sidebar, illegible but for the date 1801}
Rx [alchemy symbol?] 9 times put the Seed Pearl
into it, set them in Horse Dung or in
a Heat equal boil to putrify [?]
Days Take them out & they will be soft
Have a Silver Mold like a Bullet
Mold gilt within - Run a Hogs Bristle thro
& they will harden-
[In?] a [alchemy symbol] [?] large Earth [?]
[?] put the Pearl Paste in it & they
will be very hard - Remove them to a
Water [?] [?] Blood & they will be
{sidebar: to the D of
Aug 20 1806}
Aqua vegetabilies
Rx Venetian [?] [alchemy symbol: sublimation] 7 times with [a.s.: salt]
well decrepitated put it in a [a.s.: retort] and
198 {sidebar: to the D of |