p. 71


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3 revisions
Kareobl at Jan 15, 2021 08:55 PM

p. 71

41 Pour this Liquor upon a pure cake of [?] Luna Cornea or [?] of [?] [?] or Silver ore or [?] Ore [?] a Finger high or more & stop the Glass lightly, & set it in the Sun or Heat equal to it. for 1 Month & you will be surprised at the Effect. Let this Liquor evaporate till the [?] is dry - pour on fresh - digest as before, & again draw it off & in a Month [?] of pure [?] will have gained [?] & certain [?]- 2nd This Process may be done with [?] Rx [?] [?] it with Charcoal Dust by Projection as usual Rx of this [?] [?] When it is in Flux project [?] of Powder of Flints, let them flow well, when cold break the Crucible, & powder the

Pour this Liquor upon a
pure cake of [?] Luna Cornea or [?] of [?]
[?] or Silver ore or [?] Ore [?] a Finger high
or more & stop the Glass lightly, & set it in
the Sun or Heat equal to it. for 1 Month
& you will be surprised at the Effect.
Let this Liquor evaporate till
the [?] is dry - pour on fresh - digest as
before, & again draw it off & in a Month
[?] of pure [?] will have gained [?] & certain

2nd This Process may be done with
Rx [?] [?] it with Charcoal
Dust by Projection as usual Rx of this [?]
[?] When it is in Flux project [?] of
Powder of Flints, let them flow well,
when cold break the Crucible, & powder

p. 71

41 Pour this Liquor upon a pure cake of [?] Luna Cornea or [?] of [?] [?] or Silver ore or [?] Ore [?] a Finger high or more & stop the Glass lightly, & set it in the Sun or Hear equal to it. for 1 Month & you will be surprised at the Effect. Let this Liquor evaporate till the [?] is dry - pour on fresh - digest as before, & again draw it off & in a Month [?] of pure [?] will have gained [?] & certain [?]- 2nd This Process may be done with [?] Rx [?] [?] it with Charcoal Dust by Projection as usual Rx of this [?] [?] When it is in Flux project [?] of Powder of Flints, let them flow well, when cold break the Crucible, & powder the

Pour this Liquor upon a
pure cake of [?] Luna Cornea or [?] of [?]
[?] or Silver ore or [?] Ore [?] a Finger high
or more & stop the Glass lightly, & set it in
the Sun or Hear equal to it. for 1 Month
& you will be surprised at the Effect.
Let this Liquor evaporate till
the [?] is dry - pour on fresh - digest as
before, & again draw it off & in a Month
[?] of pure [?] will have gained [?] & certain

2nd This Process may be done with
Rx [?] [?] it with Charcoal
Dust by Projection as usual Rx of this [?]
[?] When it is in Flux project [?] of
Powder of Flints, let them flow well,
when cold break the Crucible, & powder