p. 70
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3 revisions | Kareobl at Jan 15, 2021 08:47 PM p. 7040
Vegetation of [Mettallic?]
Cakes from [?]
Rx the best Salt of [Tartar?] ttÿ
melt it in a Crubcible in [?] project fine
Powder of Flints [?] by degrees, let them
[flame?] well, & grow cold, break the Crucible,
powder the [?] grossly, & let it run [?]
This is the true Liquor Silicum
By melting the fix'd Salt with the [?]
Flints the pure Virgin Earth of the latter
is combined with the former: they remain
united & run into a fat oily Liquor
while the gross Parts of the Flints & the
[?] remain behind of no use—
Use. Pour 40 Rx the best Salt of [Tartar?] ttÿ p. 7040
Vegetation of [Mettallic?]
Cakes from [?]
Rx the best Salt of [?] [?]
melt it in a Crubcible in [?] project fine
Powder of Flints [?] by degrees, let them
[flame?] well, & grow cold, break the Crucible,
powder the [?] grossly, & let it run [?]
This is the true Liquor Silicum
By melting the fix'd Salt with the [?]
Flints the pure Virgin Earth of the latter
is combined with the former: they remain
united & run into a fat oily Liquor
while the [?] Parts of the Flints & the
[?] remain behind of no use -
Use. Pour 40 Rx the best Salt of [?] [?] |