Untitled Page 87




Status: Complete

The Belmont Boys played against our men in base ball yesterday but the boys are young and small so the Stanford men had no trouble in beating them. It was therefore an uninteresting game. Minnie and I watched Mr. Cotton and Mr. Bannister play tennis awhile and then came home and played together. Minnie has quite a good reputation among the girls as a player, but I played nearly as well yesterday. I told her that the Des Moines boys were taking the lead in tennis at Eucina and we would have to do the same among the girls.

I presume by this time you know that I have been to San Jose and gotten a pair of shoes and that I owe Miss Ames ten dollars. I think I would better return Foster's shoes as soon as they come, but I wish you would get me a pair of good tennis hoes instead. The $2.'50 style with heavier soles than the dollar ones, for they wear out in no time on the asphalt, and are hard on ones feet on such solid material. Of course, get them as pretty color as possible and send them as soon as you can for mine are worn out. Mell said you were going to send a box, you and he. If you get this in time please put the tennis shoes in the box. I am sorry that you could not get the word that I had my shoes, in time not to send the others.

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