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70 Rain. S.E.
Ther. MON. JULY 27th, 1885 Wea.

Delightful rain continuing
until about 9.o'clk
and showery all day.
Charley & Ernest left for
Elton about 10.o'clk.
Charley intending to take a
weeks holiday spending
his time there. Willie went
in the carriage driving Gus
Bulwar's horse. expecting
to spend the night at Elton
Wm. M Hill here for advice
& medicine & paid me
part of his bill. After
dinner I drove down to see
"little" Tom Stabler at
Ashton. Went to the mill
& got a bushel of "pig feed"
Lizzie & cousin Hannah Chandlee
called & left our butter. I overpaid
her 40cts:

73. Cloudy. S.E.
Ther. TUES. JULY 28, 1885. Wea.

Annie Rounds washed
for H. I drove down to
Ashton to see "Tom" Stabler
Alfred Murfields people
here for medicine.
Willie got home from Elton
about 6.o'clock p.m.
and took Bulwar's horse
home. Fine rain just after
W got the horse put away.
Dora & I put up the border
paper in the hall or passage.

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