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77. Clear NW
Ther. SAT. JULY 25, 1885 Wea.

Went again to see
"little Tom Stabler"
also called to see
Bulwar's infant.
Afternoon I walked up to
the store &c.
Emeline Hopkins sent
me $1.00 by her son. About
tea time Dr. Miller & Julian
Gartrell called the Doctor
having had an ugly blow
from a "base ball" that has
fractured the zygomatic"
portion of the left molar
bones. Charley had bandaged
it up nicely at Ashton
I drove down again to see "Tom"

79 Clear & Cloudy S.W.
Ther. SUN. JULY 26th, 1885 Wea.

Extremely hot again
Charley & Willie went in the
buggy with Bulwar's horse
to dine at Mr Rust`s by invitation
Bro Richd called
& left cousin Hannah Chandlee
until after meeting.
Afternoon we had a gust
coming up just as Charley
& Willie reached home: it
gave us a good shower of
rain, the first we have
had for some weeks, and it
looks (at bed time) as if we
may have more before it
is done with.

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