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by the Lyceum to the Meeting House, a distance of nearly half a
mile - this was in 1863 - by 1872, due mostly to agitation originating
in Sandy Spring, a turnpike was completed that ran from Washington
to Sandy Spring, a distance of twenty miles. At the present time
Sandy Spring is surrounded by a net work of good roads, and more
are being built each year.

The conditions of the roads is a fair index to the prosperity,
and progressiveness of the community. The good roads offer means of
easy transportation, which in turn brings about sociability, and
community activity. Mush of the activity of the community has
probably been accelerated by the good roads.

Sandy Spring has long been noted for its splendid schools.
The people from the very beginning were impressed by the advantages
of a good education, and had the strong desire of educating them-
selves and their children. The public schools have always been
good. The system now in use in Maryland for the administration of
the schools was suggested by a resident of Sandy Spring, and has
served as a model for the organization of schools in four other
states in the Union.

At the present time there are two high schools in the community
which are genuine rural schools making definite and successful
efforts to adapt their pupils to conditions of country life. Boty
the high schools have courses in agriculture, and the school
located in Norwood is the only school in the county with a music
teacher. Two thirds of the graduates of the class of 1912 from
the Norwood school attended colleges the following year, and a high

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