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3 revisions
cw057318 at Dec 01, 2022 08:54 PM


Bible Historale - French translation + expansion of Compostors 12 C.
Historiale scolastica. This version was top heavy with glosses +
interpolations but still closer to the modern concept of "Bible"
than the Bible abregee (the earliest French Version of the
Bible to appear in print c. 1473) The 1st break with the medieval
approach to Scriptural translation came with Lefivre
d'Etaples, whose version of the Bible appeared in
parts between 1523 + 1530.

In France no vernacular ed. of the Scriptures was published
between 1525 + 1565 in Paris, the seat of both political +
eccelsiastical authority. Lyons, on the other hand, continued
as an active center of printing of the Scriptures in French.
The base text for all French Bibles published though the
1550's in Lyons was the "Bible a l'epee or revision of
1540 published in Geneva by those ministers who had
replaced Calvin during his exile to Strassbourg (1538-41).


Bible Historale - French translation + expansion of Compostors 12 C.
Historiale scolastica. This version was top heavy with glosses +
interpolations but still closer to the modern concept of "Bible"
than the Bible abregee (the earliest French Version of the
Bible to appear in print c. 1473) The 1st break with the medieval
approach to Scriptural translation came with Lefivre
d'Etaples, whose version of the Bible appeared in
parts between 1523 + 1530.

In France no vernacular ed. of the Scriptures was published
between 1525 + 1565 in Paris, the seat of both political +
eccelsiastical authority. Lyons, on the other hand, continued
as an active center of printing of the Scriptures in French.
The [?] text for all French Bibles published though the
1550's in Lyons was the "Bible a l'epee or revision of
1540 published in Geneva by those ministers who had
replaced Calvin during his exile to Strassbourg (1538-41).