Page 40


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5 revisions
Theakir at Aug 15, 2020 02:48 PM

Page 40


aid for this truly charitable institution.
Ellen Farquhar gave some extracts from a
lecture by Mrs. Caroline H. Dahl upon the
history of Trancendentalism in New
England which she claimed stretched
from the time of Anne Hutchinson to
the death of Margaret Fuller. Mrs Dahl
pronounced a glowing eulogy upon the
lives and characters of both these remarkable
women. The secretary was reminded by this
of a piece of Louisa May Alcotte in a
story where the scene is laid in a
"Community" she terms this experiment
founding an impossible arcadia the
sowing of Transcendental wild oats.
Mary Philis Kirk read "The Buried Streamlet"
Margaret S. Hallowell had no contribution
and Sarah T. Miller had left hers at home.
Mary Pope a visitor read an amusing
letter from Oliver Wendell Holmes to
James T. Fields which brought out the
incident of a few years since the
daughters of Da. Holmes and Lucretia North
fell into a long conversation while travelling
side by side from Nash. to Phila.
and were mutially astonished at
each others personality only revealed
as they parted. A member whose
name we omitted to note told us
of the belated gift to the first girls

Page 40


aid for this truly charitable institution.
Ellen Farquhar gave some extracts from a
lecture by Mrs. Caroline H Dahl upon the
history of Trancendentalism in New
England which she claimed stretched
from the time of Anne Hutchinson to
the death of Margaret Fuller. Mrs Dahl
pronounced a glowing eulogy upon the
lives and characters of both these remarkable
women. The secretary was reminded by this
of a piece of Louisa May Alcotte in a
story where the scene is laid in a
"Community" she terms this experiment
founding an impossible arcadia the
sowing of Transcendental wild oats.
Mary Philis Kirk read "The Buried Streamlet"
Margaret S Hallowell had no contribution
and Sarah T Miller had left hers at home.
Mary Pope a visitor read an amusing
letter from Oliver Wendell Holmes to
James T Fields which brought out the
incident of a few years since the
daughters of Da. Holmes and Lucretia North
fell into a long conversation while travelling
side by side from Nash. to Phila.
and were mutially astonished at
each others personality only revealed
as they parted. A member whose
name we omitted to note told us
of the belated gift to the first girls