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mschuler at Apr 28, 2021 06:41 PM


Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa. 27

CUCUMBER-Ger. Gurke.

One ounce will plant 50 hills; two pounds will
plant one acre.

Cucumbers succeed best in a rich, loamy
soil. For first early, sow in hot-beds, upon
pieces of sod or in small flower pots, six weeks
before they can be set out in open ground.
When danger of frost is over, transplant in
hills four feet apart each way. For general
crop, plant in open ground in May, about
twelve seeds in a hill. When danger of bugs
is past, thin to four strong plants in a hill.
For pickling, plant in June. Sprinkle vines
with plaster or air slacked lime, to protect
from bugs. Slug Shot will kill the bugs. We
grew 32 1/2 acres of Cucumbers for seed the
past year, our crop of the Perfect White Spine
alone being nearly 7,000 pounds.

Early Russian-Very early and productive;
quite hardy; per lb. 80c; 1/4 lb. 25c; oz. 10c

Early Cluster-Grows in clusters, is ex
tremely productive and of
good quality. Our seed of
this variety was grown on
our home farm, and we
think it cannot be excelled
in purity. (See cut.) Per
lb. 70c; 1/4 lb. 20c; oz. 10c...

[From a Photograph taken on our Adair Co. Seed Farm.]

IOWA SEED CO.'S PERFECT WHITE SPINE-We are proud of our Perfect
White Spine Cucumber, and well we may be, as prominent horticulturists and experienced
market gardeners pronounce it to be undoubtedly the best strain in existence. For ten years
we have been growing and improving this variety on our seed farm, and as a result we offer to
our customers this improved strain, which has been pronounced by good judges as superior to
either the Peerless or Arlington. The fruit is of even and good size, straight and always well
formed and symetrical. When small it is deep green in color and of uniform shape, making it
unexcelled for pickling. When of usual size for slicing it still holds its beautiful green color,
shading to light green at blossom end. As it matures it turns to a clear, beautiful white, very
handsome and showy for market. Immensely productive. Keeps longer solid and crisp than
any other variety we know of. Outyields any other vatiety for pickles. per pkt. 5c; oz. 15c;
1/4 lb. 35c; lb. $1.20.

Geneva, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1888:-Seeds of the Perfect White Spine Cucumber were planted
April 24th, plants in bloom July 5th, of pickle size July 16th. The plants were very produc
tive and the fruits were uniform in size and shape, indicating careful selection.
Director N. Y. Agr'l Experiment Station.