Board of Trustees minutes, Ohio University

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Ohio University Board of Trustees minutes, v. 07 (1899-1906)

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55 Office of the President and Trustees of the Ohio University Athens Ohio June 19. 1901. 1 1/2. P.M [inserted] Annual Meeting June 1901- [end inserted] The Board of Trustees of the Ohio University met in annual session at its office in the Auditorium Building in Athens Ohio, after written notice having been given by the Secretary to each member of the Board of the time and place of this meeting, President C. W. Super in the Chair. A call of the roll showed the following member of the Board present to wit: V.C. Lowrey C.C. Davidson - A Lene. L. J. Fenton- l.m. Jewett. E.J. Jones. J.M. Welch. W. E. Bundy. J.P. Wood. H. W. Coultrap. D. H. Moore. Thomas Blackstone. I.M Foster and T. R Biddle, and being more than a quorum of said Board. [inserted] Approval of Minutes [end inserted] The minutes of the Board for the June and August sessions of 1900, were read by the Secretary to the Board, and on motion duly seconded they were approved ratified and confirmed by the Board. [inserted] Reading Annual Report [end inserted] The President here read to the Board his annual report which is hereafter fully copied. [inserted] Election of Teachers [end inserted] Mr Blackstone moved that we proceed to elect teachers for the ensuing year, and fix their Salaries which motion was duly Seconded and adopted. [inserted] Election of Prof. Evans [end inserted] Mr Bundy moved that we proceed to Elect D. J. Evans as "Professor of Latin" of the Ohio University for the ensuing year, and that the Secretary of this Board be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cast by ballot the unanimous vote of this Board for D. J. Evans for such position at a salary of $1500.00 per year, which motion was duly seconded and adopted by the unanimous vote of all of the members of the Board present at this meeting, and thereupon the Secretary cast said ballot as directed and the Chair declared that D. J. Evans had been duly elected to said position at a salary of $1500.00 for the ensuing year.

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56 [inserted] Election of Prof. Hoover [end inserted] Mr Bundy moved that the Secretary of this Board be and he is hereby atuthorized and empowered to cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members of this Board present at this meeting for William. Hoover as Professor of "Mathematics and Astronomy" of the Ohio University for the ensuing year at a salary of $1500.00 per year, which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted, and thereupon the Secretary cast said vote as directed, and thereupon the Chair declared that said William Hoover had been duly elected to said position at a salary of $1500.00 for the ensuing year [crossed out] was authorized [end crossed out] [inserted] Election of Prof. Atkinson [end inserted] On motion of Mr Bundy the Secretary was authorized and directed to cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members of this Board present at this meeting for A. A. Atkinson as "Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering" for the ensuing year at a salary of $1500.00 per year, which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted, and thereupon the Secretary of this Board cast said ballot as directed, and thereupon the Chair declared that said A. A. Atkinson had been duly elected to said position at a salary of $1500.00 for the ensuing year. [inserted] Election of Prof. Higley [end inserted] Mr Bundy moved that the Secretary of this Board be authorized and instructed to case the unanimous ballot of all of the members of the Board preset at this meeting for B. O. Higley as "Professor of History and Political Economy" in the Ohio University for the ensuing year at a salary of $1500, which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted, and thereupon the Secretary case the unanimous ballot of all of the members of this Board present at this meeting for said B.O. Higley for said position at a salary of 1500$ for the ensuing year, and thereupon the Chair declared that said B. O. Higley had been duly elected to said position at a salary of $1500.00 for the ensuing year. [inserted] Election of Prof [crossed out] Higley [end crossed out] Dunkle [end inserted] Mr Bundy moved that the Secretary be authorized and directed to cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members of the Board present at this meeting for "Eli. Dunkle" as "Associate Professor of Greek and Principal of the Preparatory

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57 of the Ohio University for the ensuing year at a salary of $1500.00, which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted, and thereupon the Secretary cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members of the Board present at this meeting for said Eli Dunkle for said position at a salary of $1500.00 per year for the ensuing year ,and thereupon the Chair declared that said Eli Dunkle had been duly elected to said position at a salary of $1500.00 for the ensuing year. [inserted] Election of Prof. Chubb [end inserted] On motion of Mr Wood the Secretary of this Board was authorized, and instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members of this Board present at this meeting for Edwin. W. Chubb as "Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature" in the Ohio University at a salary of 1500$ for the ensuing year which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted, and thereupon the Secretary cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members of the Board present at this meeting for said Edwin W. Chubb as "Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature" for the ensuing year at a salary of $1500.00 and thereupon the Chair declared that said Edwin. W Chubb had been duly elected to said position at a salary of $1500.00 for the ensuing year. [inserted] Election of Prof Mercer [end inserted]Maj Welch moved that the Secretary be authorized and instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of all the members of the Board present at this meeting for W.F. Mercer at a salary of $1500.00 per year as "Professor of Biology and Geooligy" of the Ohio University for the ensuing year, which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted ,and thereupon the Secretary cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members fo the Board present at this meeting for said W. F. Mercer for said position at a salary of $1500. for the ensuing year, and thereupon the Chair declared that said W. F. Mercer had been duly elected to said position at a salary of $1500.00 for the ensuing year. [inserted] Election of Prof Bentley [end inserted] Mr Moore moved that the Secretary of this Board be instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members of the Board present at this meeting for William.

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58 B. Bentley as "Professor of "Chemistry" in the Ohio University for the ensuing year at a salary of $1500. per year which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted, and thereupon the Secretary cast the unanimous ballot of all the members of the Board present at this meeting for said William B. Bentley for said position for the ensuing year at a salary of $1500 per year and thereupon the Chair declared that said William. B Bentley had been duly elected to said position at a salary of 1500$ for the ensuing year. [inserted] Election of Prof. Doan [end inserted] Mr Moore moved that the salary of Frank C Doan as Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy be raised to the sum of $1500- per year which motion was duly seconded. Maj Welch moved moved to amend said motion by fixing the amount of said salary at the sum of $1250.00 per year, which amendment to said motion was duly seconded, and said amendment to said motion was adopted by a yea vote of 9 - nay 4, and on motion duly seconded said motion as amended was adopted ,and the Secretary was authorized and directed to cast the ballot of the members of the board present at this meeting for said Frank. C. Doan at a salary of $1250. for the ensuing as "Professor of Pshychology and Pedagogy" which motion was duly seconded and adopted ,and thereupon the Secretary cast the unanimous [inserted] ballot [end inserted of all of the members of the Board present for said Frank. C Doan for said position at a salary of $1250.00 for the ensuing year, and thereupon the Chair declared that said Frank C. Doan hadn been duly elected to said position at a salary of $1250. for the ensuing year. [inserted] Election of Prof Copeland [end inserted] Mr. Wood moved that the Secretary be authorized and instructed to cast the ballot of all of the members of the Board present at this meeting for CM Copeland as "Principal of the Commercial Department" at a salary of $1500. for the ensuing year ,which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted and thereupon the Secretary cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members of the Board present at this for said CM Copland for said position at a salary of $1500 for the ensuing year, and the Chair declared him to be duly elected to said position

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59 [inserted] Election of Prof Tausch Member of Faculty [end inserted] Mr Bundy moved that Prof Edwin Tausch be elected a member of the faculty at a salary of $1250.00 per year, the chair to be determined subsequently which motion was duly seconded and adopted. On motion duly seconded and adopted the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of [inserted] Election of Prof Wilson [end inserted] all of the members of the board present at this meeting in vaor of H. Roy Wilson as "Associate Professor of English" in the Ohio University at a salary of $1.000.00 and thereupon the Secretary cast said ballot in favor of said H Roy Wilson for said position at a salary of $1.000.00 and the Chair declared that said H. Roy Wilson had been dulty elected to said position at a salary of $1.000.00 for the ensuing year. [inserted] Appointment Committee on Music [end inserted] Mr Foster made a motion to refer the subject of music and the election of teachers to said musical department to a Committee of three to be selected by the Chair, which motion was duly seconded and adopted, and thereupon the Chair appointed as said Committee Messrs. Jewett, Foster, and Moore. [inserted] Election of Miss Stahl. [end inserted] Mr Bundy moved that the Secretary be instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members of the Board present at this meeting for Marie Louise Stahl as "Instructor in Drawing and Painting," at a salary of $800.00 for the ensuing yera, which motino was duly seconded and adopted, and the Secretary then cast said ballot for her for that position at a salary of $800.00 for the ensuing year, and the Chair declared that she had been duly elected to said position at a salary of $800. for the ensuing year. [inserted] Election of Miss Brown [end inserted] On motion duly Seconded and adopted the Secretary was authorized and directed to cast the ballot of all of the members of the board for Mabel. K. Brown as "Instructor in Stenography and type writing" at a salary of 600$ for the year, and the Secretary then cast the ballot of all the members of the board present at this meeting for her for said position at this meeting for her for said position at a salary of 600$ for the ensuing year, and the Chair

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60 declared that she had been duly elected to said position at a salary of $600. for the ensuing year. [inserted] Election of Aud Secy and Treasurer [end inserted] On motion of Mr Jones duly seconded and adopted the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members of the board present at this meeting for A. J. Frame as Treasurer and for L. M Jewett as Auditor and Secretary of the O.U. the salary of said Frame to be 600$ [inserted] per year [end inserted] and the salary of said Jewett to be 400$ for the ensuing year, and thereupon the Secretary cast said ballots as directed and the Chair declared that the said A. J. Frame had been duly elected as Treasurer of the Ohio University for the ensuing year at a salary of 600$, and that said L.M. Jewett had been duly electted as Auditor and Secretary of the Ohio University for the ensuing year at a salary of $400.00. [inserted] Election of CG. Mathews [end inserted] On motion duly seconded and adopted the Secretary was authorized and instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members of the Board present at this meeting in [?favor?] of Charles. G. Mathews for said position at a salary of $500.00 for the ensuing year, and the Chair declared that he had been duly elected to said position at a salary of $500. for the ensuing year. [inserted] Election of Janitor and Asst Janitor [end inserted] Judge Coultrap moved that the Secretary be instructed and authorized to cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members of the Board present at this meeting for William A. Miller as Janitor of the Ohio University at a salary of $550. per year, and for John F. Bean as Assistant Janitor at a salary of $500. for the ensuing year, which motion was duly seconded and adopted, and the Secretary then cast said ballots as directed, and the Chair declared that they had been duly elected to said positions at a salary as aboved named [inserted] Appropriation 1500$ [illegible] as recommended in annual report [end inserted] Maj Welch moved that the sum of $1500.00 be set aside and expended as set forth in the Presidents annual message as therein recommended under the direction of the President and the Finance Committee which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted

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61 [inserted] Committee to examine Aud + Treas Reports [end inserted] Mr. Wood moved that the Treasurer and Auditors reports be referred to a Committee consisting of Messrs Davidson, Lene and Fenton for examination and report, which motion was duly seconded and adopted. [inserted] Degrees [end inserted] Mr Bundy moved that the degrees in [?Cursu?] recommended by the faculty be conferred upon [?the?] persons named therein which motion was duly seconded and adopted. Mr Lene moved that the degree of "L.L.D" be conferred upon Gen Charles H Grosvenor and Doctor J.M. Crawford of Cincinnati Ohio, in accordance with the recommendations and suggestions contained in the annual report of the President herein after copied which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted. [inserted] Appropriation Alumni Banquet [end inserted] On motion of M Jewett duly seconded and adopted the sum of one hundred dollars was allowed for the purpose of paying the annual expenses of the Alumni Association for this year. [inserted] Commencement Expenses [end inserted] On motion duly seconded and adopted the sum of $150.00 was appropriated for the purpose of defraying the commencement exercises of this year. Mr Jewett presented to the Board and read to it the following resolution and moved its adoption to wit: [inserted] Resolution as to O.UCertificates [end inserted] "Whereas the Act of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio of April 3rd 1900 (94.O.L. P-94) authorizes the Board of Trustees of the Ohio University from time to time to issue certificates of indebtedness in [crossed out] an [end crossed out] an amount not exceeding $55.000.00. in anticipation of the annual levies authorized by section 3951- of the Revised Statutes of Ohio, as amended March 28th 1891- (88. O.L. Page 159), and as further amended February 26th 1896 (92 O.L. Page 40) and further provided that the whole amount of said certificates [inserted] of said indebtedness [end inserted] shall be paid by said Board of out the proceeds of such levies on or before December 31st 1916. And whereas it is necessary

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65 [inserted] Ladies Hall Committee [end inserted] seconded and adopted, it was ordered that the Ladies Hall Committee of last year be continued during the ensuing year with the same powers and authority heretofore conferred upon thme by the former action of this Board. [inserted] Committee College Campus [end inserted] One motion duly Seconded and adopted the Committee on college buildings and campus and Buildings for last year was ordered to be continued for the next ensuing year with full power and authority to act in accordance with the former authority of this Board as heretofore conferred upon said Committee. [inserted] Athletics [end inserted] Mr Foster moved that we create in the Ohio University the position of "Director of Athletics" to be hereafter selected at a salary of not exceeding $800.00 per year, which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted. [inserted] Boyce and Hamblin excused for non attendance [end inserted] On motion of Mr Blackstone duly Seconded and adopted Messrs G. W. Boyce and R. E. Hamblin were excused for non attendance at the present meeting of this Board. [inserted] Committee Ways and Means [end inserted] On motion duly seconded and adopted a Committee on Ways and Means was appointed consisting of Messrs Welch Moore and Biddle, to report the result of their investigation and conclusion to the present session of this board [inserted] Committee Teachers and Salaries [end inserted] On motion duly seconded and adopted the Committee on "teachers and vacancies" heretofore appointed was continued for the ensuing year with the same powers and authority hertofore conferred upon them. On motion duly seconded and adopted the Legislative Committee of last year was continued with the same power and authority hertofore conferred upon them. [inserted] Portrait of Pres Super and Ex Pres. Scott [end inserted] On motion duly seconded and adopted Mr Biddle was appointed a committee on one to call upon Miss. Stahl of the Art Department and asertain for what sum the University can purchase the painting of Pres. C. W. Super exhibited to this Board, and for what sum she will paint a portrait of Doctor William H. Scott an ex President of the Ohio University.

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66 [inserted] As to the Presidency [end inserted] Mr Bundy suggested that we take up the question of the advisability of a change of President of the Ohio University - President Super pending the discussion of said subject retired from the room, and on motion duly [inserted] Election of Mr Fenton to Preside [end inserted]seconded and adopted Mr Fenton was elected to preside over the Board as Chairman in the absence of President Super. The question was discussd at some length by various membrs of the Board. [inserted] Purchase of organ [end inserted] A petition of young Lady students as to the purchase of an organ for their room was on motion duly seconded and adopted referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. [inserted] Military Committee [end inserted] The proceedings had by the Military Committee heretofore appointed was verbally stated to the board by Mr Wood its Chairman ,and on motion duly seconded and adopted it was directed that said Military Committee by continued upon them by the former action of this Board, and on motion duly seconded and adopted the Board adjourned to meet here [crossed out] this afternoon [end crossed out] until tomorrow morning at 8.Ocle clock Attest. L. M. Jewett Secretary OU.

Athens Ohio June 20th 1901 8 A.M. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Mr Fenton in the Chair. A call of the roll showed the following members of the board present to wit: Fenton Lowrey, Jewett, Davidson, Lene Jones, Welch, Bundy, Wood, Whiley, Coultrap, Moore, Blackstone Foster and Biddle. President Super being absent from the room. [inserted] Presidency [end inserted] The question as to the election of a new President was discussed at some length, and thereupon with the [?advice?] and approval of Doctor Super Mr Foster moved that we elect Rev. S. D. Hutsinpiller as President of the Ohio University for the term of three years from and after July 1st 1901.

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67 at a salary of $10.000.00 [inserted] for three year [end inserted] with moving expenses no exceeding $500.00 which motion was duly seconded ,and while said motion was pending upon invitation of the Board President Super returned to the room, and Mr Fenton vacated the Chair and Dr Super occupied the Chair as President of the [inserted] Election of S. DHutsinpiller as Pres. O.U. [end inserted] Board. Dr Super stated to the Board that the motion pending to elect Mr Hutsinpiller as President met with his warm and hearty approval ,and thereupon the roll was called upon the motion of Mr Foster to elect Mr Hutsinpiller as President of the Ohio University which resulted in 12 yea votes for S. D. Hutsinpiller and one vote for Dr. Super,and thereupon S. D. Hutsinpiller was declared to be duly elected as President of the Ohio University. [inserted] Election of Dr. Super as Prof of Greek [end inserted] On motion of Mr Jewett duly seconded and adopted the election of Mr Hutsinpiller was made unanimous. Mr. Wood moved that Dr. Super send a telegram to Mr. Hutsinpiller notifying him of his election which motion was duly Seconded and adopted. Mr Wood moved that we direct the Secretary to cast the unanimous ballot of all of the members of this Board present at this meeting for Charles. W. Super as Professor of Greek in the Ohio University for the ensuing Year at a salary of $2000,00 for the ensuing year [inserted] which motion was duly seconded and adopted and the Secretary cast said ballot as directed [end inserted] and the Board declared that C. W. Super had been duly elected to said position at a salary of $2.000.00 for the ensuing year. [inserted] Dean of Faculty [end inserted] Mr Foster moved that C. W. Super act as "Dean of the faculty" until a new president is elected and qualified, which motion was duly seconded and adopted. Mr Wood moved that the President and Professors Copeland, and Dunkle be appointed as a Committee on advertising until directed otherwise under the Supervision of the Precident, which motion was duly seconded and adopted [inserted] Call of Board in case of vacancy [end inserted] Maj. Welch moved in case that Mr Hutsinpiller declines to accept the position of President, to which he has been elected that the Secretary be authorized

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