Board of Trustees minutes, Ohio University

Pages That Need Review

Ohio University Board of Trustees minutes, v. 07 (1899-1906)

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44 sum allowed by the Board for this purpose. In addition to this the receipts for fees were more than $1200.00 ahead of last year. The Chair of Chemistry is also vacant. For this position I recommend Dr. W B Beutley a [?Havard?] [illegible] largely on the endorsement of Prof Sylvester and other responsible gentlemen. They express the conviction that he will fill the place acceptably. His salary ought not to be less than $1200.00 [inserted] as he is not a novice - an allowance of $250.00 [end inserted] for his department will I think be sufficient. Last summer the department was allowed $600.00, but Dr. Sylvester found that he could not expend more than 400$ to advantage and he wisely refrained from going beyond this sum. I suppoce that a considerable supply of material is still on hand, and until we know how far this will reach it does not seem necessary to provide more. [inserted] Presidents Annual Report. [end inserted] The most important part of this report is the recommendation of a successor to Dr. Allen. I am sure we have lost a good deal by leaving this place vacant so long. Our pedagogical work is perhaps all things considered the most important that we have been trying to do. I have found a man [inserted] who [end inserted] so far as I can judge not only fills every requirement, but is thoroughly equipped for work in languages. He has passed through a German gymnasium and has thrs learned the best modern method of teaching Latin. Then he was a graduated from a German University with honors. In addition to this he spent some years in South America - so that he is qualified to teach Spanish for which there is some demand. [crossed out] This [end crossed out] [inserted] It is [end inserted] however especially Latin that his help is needed and it is likely that here all the time he has to spare outside of Philosophy will be needed. He has expressed his willingness to aid in any department where he can be useful. The president of [?Hamline?] University says of this man "I recommend him without any reservation whatsoever". I therefore recommend the

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45 election of Dr. Edwin Fausch to the Chair of Philosophy at an initial salary of $1.000 with the [?proviso?] that he shall assist in other departments especially in Latin, so far as he shall have time - It has for years been a conviction of some [inserted] the [end inserted] members of the Board and of most of the faculty that we have been getting little value out of our department of elocution. It does not seem easily possible for a lady to teach oratory as it ought to be taught to young men. If I haad had time last year when the Chair was vacant I should have recommended that it be not filled. Besides we have athletics with us, and it would not be wise to suppress it. A few years ago Wooster passed a resolution prohibiting all intercollegiate games, but as soon as a new President was elected they were [inserted] Presidents Annual Report. [end inserted] restored. So I do not believe there is a college in the state that does not more of less encourage athletics. I feel quite sure that if some or all of the money now paid for elocution were paid for the regulation of athletics, and the matter taken in hand in a systematic way it would yield larer results.-It may not be advisable to take any action at the present timeI have however put the [illegible] before you. In the matter of salaries it is difficult for me or any one else to make specific recommenations, on the basis of strict justice. So many factors enter into the general propoition. Sometims a department with [inserted] a [end inserted] few students may exert a wider and more lasting influence than another with ten times as many. In our case a few specific recommendations for an increase seem to me to be in order. Professor Copelands department has brought in fees about $900.00. He state to the Board last year that he thought he could promise $500. It cost in salaries $1200. Here an advance would appear to be proper. The musical department has done nearly as well. I therefore feel safe in recommending an additional [?101$ ?] to Professor McVeys salary with the proviso that he is to arrange for the necessary rebates out of it. If his

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46 health is good these rebates will amount to very little. During the past year this matter has given the register a good deal of trouble that can be avoided by the plan above suggested. Professor Dunkle ought to have at least five dollars per month above his salary or a lump sum of fifty dollars as registrar. As he has to enroll each student every term, assign him his studies, and collect all the fees, he has an enormous amount of clerical work to perform. This year he has made more than 800 enrollments in duplicate - I shall be glad to suggest further additions as the individual cases come up for discussion. Prof. Brown has also recently handed in his resignation the fact has not become widely known and the candidates for his place are few in fact so far as I am aware there are only three. Of these three two [inserted] Presidents Annual Report [end inserted] are applicants for themselves, and [inserted] one [end inserted] through his friend, as he himself informs me. Two are our own graduates, the third is not, tho a native of Athens County - Thus gentlemen him I believe the strongest and most [crossed out] efficient [end crossed out] [inserted] [illegible] [end inserted] endorcements I have ever seen. In directness and force they could scarcely be surpassed. In spite of my own predilations, I believe that [crossed out] the [end crossed out] [inserted] He [end inserted] will bring the most credit to the department and the college. Of the three gentlemen I have indicated [illegible]; Professor Shott now of [?Carthage?] I'll Supt. Coler of Concord_N_C_ and Dr FC Doan of Cambridge Mass I feel compelled to indicate my preference for the last named. I wish to traverse again a few points that I have alredy touched upon- We are extremely anxious to increase our attendance to 500. next year. A less relative increase than this year [illegible] compared with last will do it. Our great difficulty has been to keep students to the end of the course. They come here for two, three and four years, then their means are exhausted and they leave, most of them never to return. The state universities are [illegible] the higher schools for these of slender means The O.S.U affords a great deal of help. Students have left us

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47 and give [?thither?], or have give [?thither?] tho preferring the the. O.U. because they could get a little financial aid. Some of our students are clerks in hotels, waiters in restaurants, or are otherwise employed in order to earn a little money or their board. Some in the higher classes are teacher of experience and can instruct some of the elementary classes as well as any member of the Faculty. Some who cannot otherwise remain could do so if they could ear sixty to seventy five dollars a year either in teaching or otherwise. We cannot in my judgment, [inserted] Pres Annual Report [end inserted] do a wiser thing or make a better investment of a few hundred dollars a year than to afford this [?tripling?] aid. We shall gain nothing by letting any of our income be idle. I ask for the faculty the privilege of using such a sum as can be judiciously employed in helping young men and young women who are pretty well along in the college courses. I have at different times lent several hundred dollars to students a good deal of which has repaid, but some of it for various reasons I shall never get. Respectfully submitted. On motion duly seconded and adopted the Board the adjourned to meet on the 24th day of August 1900-at-1-30-P.M Attest. L. M. Jewett Secretary. O.U.

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48 Office of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio University. Athens O aug 24th 1900-1030-P.M A special meeting of the Board of Trustess of the Ohio University was held at its Office in Athens Ohio this day at the hour above named. A call of the roll showed the following members of the Board present: C W. Super President and L.M Jewett. Secretary. V. C Lowrey. R.E. Hamblin. C. C. Davidson. A Lene. Lucien J. Fenton E. J. Jones. J M Welch. J P. Wood F.C Whiley. H.W. Coultrap D.H. Moore. Thomas Blackstone. Israel M. Foster - and T.R. Biddle. being more that a quorum of the board a legal quorum being nine [inserted] members [end inserted] absent members G. W. Boyce. JE. Benson W. E. Bundy and Albert. Douglas. [inserted] O.UCertificates [end inserted] Mr Jewett moved that we take up the subject of openending the sealed bids for the sale of $10.000. of Ohio University Certificates hertofore ordered to be sold by the Secretary of this Board by its former resolution adopted on the 19th day of June A. D 1900, which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted by all of the members of the Board present at this meeting, and being more than a quorum of this Board.: Mr Whiley offered the following resolution: "Whereas, by resolution adopted by this Board at its annual meeting held on the 19th day of June 1900 ,as by its records will appear it was among other things resolved that the Secretary of this Board be directed to advertise for sale during the year 1900 $10.000.00 of the Ohio University Certificates maturing as follows to wit: $5.000.00 in the year 1906 and $5.000. in the year 1907, in order to refund the $10.000.00 of the Ohio University Certificates maturing on the 1st day of September 1900 in accordance with the Act of the General Assembly of the State of Ohio (94. O.L. page 94) Now therefore be it resolved that this Board does hereby approve and confirm the action of the Secretary of the Ohio

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49 University in all purchases as to the advertising for sale of said $10.000. of Ohio University Certificates, $5.000. of which matures Sept-1st-1906-, and $5,000. thereof Sept-1st 1907, and in receiving sealed bids therefor ,and in retaining the same sealed until the meeting of this Board on the 24th day of August 1900", and moved its adoption, which motion was duly seconded, and the roll being called was adopted by the following vote, yeas; Charles. W. Super. V. C Lowrey. L. M Jewett, R. E. Hamblin_ C C Davidson A. Lene. L. J. Fenton. E. J. Jones, J. M. Welch. J. P. Wood F. C. Whiley. H. W. Coultrap, D. H Moore, Thomas. Blackstone. israel. M Foster and T R. Biddle, and being a majority of all the Board present at this meeting, and being more than a quorum of said Board. _ The Board thereupon proceeded to open said bids so received, and having canvassed the same do find and determine that W. J. Hayes + Sons of Cleveland [inserted] Ohio [end inserted] have made the highest bid for said $10.000.00 of Ohio University certificates maturing to wit: $5.000.00 on Sept-1st-1906, and $5.000.00 on the 1st day of Sept 1907 as aforesaid, and the said W. J.Hayes and Sons having bid therefor the sum of $10.927.00, it is by the Board ordered and directed that said bid of said W. J. Hayes + Sons for said sum of $10.927.00 be, and the same is hereby, accepted, approved and confirmed and the Secretary of this Board is hereby authorized ordered and directed to deliver said $10.000.00. of Ohio University Certificates $5.000.00. of which matures Sept-1st-1906 [inserted] and [end inserted] $5.000.00 of which matures Sept-1st 1907 and the coupons thereto attached to the said W. J. Hayes and sons upon the said W. Jl Hayes + Sons paying therefor in cash forthwith to the Treasurer of the Ohio University said sum of $10.927.00 and said Treasurer of the Ohio University is hereby authorized and directed to receive and receipt to said W. J. Hayes + Sons for said sum of $10.927.00 and said sale of

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50 $10.000.00 of O.U certificates maturing at the times aforesaid to said W. J. Hayes + Sons is hereby fully ratified approved and confirmed by this Board their bid being found by the Board to be the highest and best bid received as well as all proceeding now or heretofore had by said Board and its Secretary in and about the sale thereof this 24th day of August 1900. Mr Whiley moved that said sale of said O.U. Certificates to said W. J. Hayes and Sons and all of the above findings and proceedings in relation to the sale of said $10.000. O.U. Certificates to W. J. Hayes + Sons be fully ratified approved and confirmed. [inserted] Which motion was duly seconded [end inserted] and the yeas and nays being demanded a call of the roll was had resulting as follows" Yeas: Super. Lowrey, Jewett, Hamblin. Davidson Lene Fenton, Jones, Welch, Wood, Whiley, Coultrap, Moore Blackstone [crossed out] and [end crossed out] Foster and Biddle, being the unanimous vote of all fo the members of this Board present at this meeting, [inserted] nayes none [end inserted] and being more than a quorum of said Board, nine members in law constituting a quorum thereo, and thereupon the Chair declared that said motion had been unanimously adopted and that said bid had been duly awarded to said W. J Hayes and Sons for said $10.000. O.U Certificates so sold to them as aforesaid. [inserted] Motion to rescind action of Board lost. [end inserted] Mr Jones offered the following resolution; "Resolved that the action of this Board at its June meeting providing for the election of teachers and employees by ballot be and it is hereby rescinded, and that hereafter all such elections be viva voce", 'and moved to adopt in which motion was duly seconded, and the yeas and nays being demanded a vote was taken resulting as follows: Yeas" Lowrey, Hamblin, Lene, Fenton, Jones and Coutrap: 6. Nays, Jewett, Davidson Welch, Wood, Whiley, Moore Blackstone, Foster, and Biddle. 9- and the Chair declared that said motion had been lost.

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51 moved that the term of the Office of The Precident of the Ohio University expire on the 1st day of July of each year which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted. [inserted] Insurance [end inserted] Mr. Fenton, moved that the subject of insurance of the property of the University be referred to the Finance Committee with full power and authority to act, which motion was duly seconded and adopted. Mr. Wood of the Finance Committee made a statement as to the result of a correspondence between him and Messrs Hammerford + Sons architects as to remedying the accoustics of the Auditorium Building which correspondence was read to the Board [inserted] As to improving accoustics [?+eq?] Hall. [end inserted] Mr Welch moved that that the Finance committee, put up such necessary Sky borders and side wings, and other fixtures as will in their judgment improve the accoustic properties of the auditorium hall, which motion was duly seconded and adopted. Mr Wood made a report as to what had been done by the committee on Military instruction and the procuring of a teacher therefor. - [inserted] Excuses for non attendances [end inserted] On motion duly seconded and adopted G. W. Boyce and Wm E. Bundy were excused for non attendance at this meeting. [inserted] Acceptance of resignation of Miss. Kellogg [end inserted] On motion of Mr Jewett duly seconded the resignation of Miss. Anita M. Kellogg as "Associate Professor of Elocution and Reading" was accepted [inserted] As to Election of Prof of English [end inserted] M Coultrap moved that we proceed to an election to fill the vacancy in the Chair of English Literature which motion was duly Seconded and adopted. Mr. Lowrey moved that the speeches of nomination of candidates be limited to three minutes which motion was duly seconded and adopted A list of all applicants for the Chair of

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52 English was read to the Board and on motion duly Seconded of Mr Wood all of said applicants were placed in nomination for the position of Professor of english literature and a ballot of the Board was then taken [inserted] resulting [end inserted] in six votes for W. I. Crane; two votes for Edwin. W. Chubb, two votes for C. S. Coler, and one vote for Prof. [?Grumbrier?], three votes for Prof. Dickerson and one vote for Prof. Cox, no candidate having received a majority of the votes cast by the members of the Board the Chair declared that no election had been made and directed a second ballot to be taken which was done resulting as follows: Crane six votes: Chubb seven votes, Dickerson two votes One this ballot no candidate received a majority of the votes cast by the members of the Board, and the Chair directed that a third ballot be taken which was done resulting as follows: Crane 7. Chubb 8 Dickerson One. On this ballot no candidate received a majority of the votes cast by the members of the Board and the Chair directed that a fourth ballot be taken which was done resulting as follows. Crane 7. Chubb. 8 - Dickerson One. On this ballot no candidate received a majority of the votes cast by the members of the Board the Chair directed that a fifth ballot be take which resulted as follows W. J. Crane 7 votes and Edwin W. [inserted] Election of Prof. Chubb [end inserted] Chubb 9-votes, and the said Edwin W. Chubb having received a majority of all of the votes cast by the members of the Board at this election was declared to be duly elected as Professor of English Literature of the Ohio University for the ensuing college year. [inserted] Salary of [end inserted] Mr. Jewett moved that the Salary of Prof. Edwin W. Chubb be fixed at $1500.00 for the ensuing college year which motion was duly seconded and adopted. Mr. Foster moved that the election of Prof. Chubb be made unanimous. which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted.

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53 [inserted] As to fuel and light [end inserted] The Secretary read to the Board a communication from The Athens Gas Light and Electric Company in regard to fuel and light. On motion of Mr Jewett duly seconded and adopted a Committee of three consisting of R.E. Hamblin. H.W. Coultrap and F. C. Whiley were appointed to confer with the Athens Gas Light and Electric Company an make a contract with it for light and fuel for the ensuing year with full power and authority to act in the premises. [inserted] As to appropriations [end inserted] Mr Jewett moved "that all of the recommendations contained in the report of the committee in Ways and Means made at the June session 1900 in so far as not heretofore modified by the action of this board be adopted, approved and fully ratified, and the appropriations therein recommended are hereby made" which motion was duly seconded and adopted. [inserted] As to employment of Stenographer [end inserted] On motion of Mr Wood duly seconded and adopted the sum of $15.00 per month was appropriated for the ensuing year for the employment of a Stenographer and necessary clerical labor by the President. [inserted] Increase of Miss. Browns Salary [end inserted] mr Wood moved that the salary of Miss. Mabel. K. Brown be increased for the ensuing year in the sum of $100.00 which motion was duly seconded and adopted. [inserted] Fees of musical Dept - [end inserted] On motion of Mr Fenton duly seconded and adopted the Faculty were given full power and authority to adjust the scale of musical fees to be charged pupils taking lessons from different musical instructors in that department. [inserted] Appropriation for Physical Dept. [end inserted] On motion of Mr Jewett duly seconded [inserted] and adopted [end inserted] the sum of $500.00 was appropriated fy the Board for the purpose of equipping the Department of Physics in addition to the sum heretofore appropriated. [inserted] Committee on Commencement exercises [end inserted] Mr Wood moved that a Committee of three [crossed out] be [end crossed out] [inserted] in [end inserted] connection with the President be appointed to

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