Santa Fe, NM
Jan. '00
$60 (24)
Estatutos Generales De Barcelona.
Mexico: Pedro Ocharte, 1585. small 4°
Ref: Medina 104, Valton 22, Icazbalceta 96 112 Palsee 83547
Sabin 76106 Wagner 96
Copy: HEHL, LC, J. Carter, Bib. Nat. Mex.
- book is not uncommon. 1207 more copies are known. 12 for 125
Title page c woodcut of Crucifixion equivocada la foliacion de la 37 for 73.
2 unnumbered, 121 numbered (3-125) and 11 unnumbered
leaves. Followed by 4 unnumbered leaves c the title:
"Tabvla capitvli || Generalis intermcdij Cismon - || toni
Toleti celebrati. || Anno Die 29 Maij. 158 3." These leaves differ in
type + page size from the Estatutos. (206 x 150 mm)
Text: 24 lines, Roman type. (201. = 141 mm)
28 lines Roman type ← The Tabula is printed in a smaller type (201. = 119 mm)
than that used in the body of the book, but nevertheless
it belongs to the book.
A2-R8, A4 -- signatures + catchwords.
A-I, k, L-R, A4 -- 2nd woodcut on verso of title → "VM
Franciscum, SI" on top border.
HEHL #106313
Capitulos 1-folio 3 5-39 9-100 → ends on folio 102
2-14 6-48
3-18 7-65 then begins Estatutos
4-29 8 90 generales de los Frayles
de las Indias which ends on folio 125.
followed by Tabla de los Titulos
Sig verse la Forma para dar el Habito a los
Tabula Capituli. Anno 1583 (A1-A4) Nouicios
on A1 Statuto Pro Universa - Familia Cismontana.
A2 Pro Monialibus Hispaniae
A3 Pro Gallicis et Belgicis
A4 my leaf (at end of volume).
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