M. Wenssler - no date earlier than 1472 can be connected
c his press - a break in activity in 1483 + 4 - probably
active in 1485 + resumed the practice of signing his
books in 1486. Last book printed at Basel 1 April
1491, shortly thereafter left the city, subsequently printing
at Cluny (1492), Mâcon (1493) + Lyon (1494-98).
K. Meyer #114 Baer
belongs to #505.
"Sensenschmidt besides producing on his own,
worked also in collaboration c Petzensteiner + Pfeyl.
We also have books from each of these 3 printers alone.
The books printed by Pfeyl alone are the only ones
that show a more highly decorative style."
- Medieval biblical commentary often took the form of a compilation
of quotations from patriotic sources to explicate passages.
This genre, known as the catena patrum ("chain of the fathers")
reached its apex in a work by T. Aquinas, respectfully called
the Golden Chain by later readers. In it, Aquinas conatenates
selections from 80 Greek + Latin authors to form a commentary on
the 4 Gospels.
- The Catena aurea was the 4th in a series of works
Aquinas wrote on the Scriptures + writings of the great
theologians of the church. His position that reason +
revelation were the 2 fundamental sources of knowlegde
implied "a careful study + comprehension of the results
which accrued to man from reason + revelation, + a thorough
grasp of all that had been done by man in relation to
those 2 sources of human knowledge."
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