Santa Fe, NM
Jan '00
$95 (38)
See #145
Thomas Aquinas (1225?-74)
Catena aurea super quattuor evangelistas
Basel: Michael Wenssler, 1476 f° (1st press)
Ref: Goff T-229 H. 1332 Pell 963 Pr 7481 BMC III 723
Copy: HEHL, LC
438 leaves, the 1st + last blank. 2 col. The text in each
col. is surrounded on 3 sides by the gloss. 4a: 621. of
gloss + headline, 281 (300) x 195 mm. A col. of 471.
of text on 172b measures 281 mm.
Types 121b, text (P, 8) Different C + V and a free
admixture of Roman majuscules as those of Richel 112,
rounded lowercase, no division stroke or !, and
short double hyphen. In this book the headlines
consist entirely of Roman capitals. In use 1476-9.
(P2) 92a gloss - medium text type. Q (2 forms) S, T, V, c
curled foot. In use in 1471-9.
Capital space at the begining of each chapter
of text. The headlies give the evangelists' names and
the chapter numbers.
HEHL #104540
rub. in red (differs from my leaf), large initial at beginning of 4 Gospels rubricated
in red + blue.
my leaf is b9 (of 10) no sig. i book.
Capit III begins on b7 (of 10)
ends on c1
Mat. (total of XXVIII Capit.) ends on s5 (of 6)
Lu. my leaf from Matthew 3:11 + 12.
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