Weale Bohatta - #811 1500 XV kal. Jan. (15 Dec.)
8 nn., 168 n., 30 nn., 136 n. = 342
2 col. 31, 17 lines
other ed. by Pfeyl #810 Dec. 11 1497, f°. HC 11358. Goff M-687
#812 April 18, 1510
The major early lithurgical books for the diocese of Regensburg
were printed in Regensburg itself, (the 1st. Missal, 1485)
Augsburg + particularly Bamberg.
- "After A. Pfister had given up printing in 1461, there was but 1
press of importance to be found in Bamberg which seems to have
been founded there in 1479. It was under the management of
J. Sensenschmidt of Eger who had already practised as a
printer in Nuremberg. And as he had done in that town we
see him also in Bamberg working in partnership c others, c
Heinrich Petzensteiner + Johann Beckenhub; when he
died in 1491 his son Laurentius Sensenschmidt followed
his father's practice + worked in partnership c H.
Petzensteiner + Johann Pfeil. About 1495 J. Pfeil
took the management of the press into his own hands
without altering anything in the nature of the publications.
The Sensenschmidt press at Bamberg, as long as it existed, issued
chiefly liturgical works + at the onset was certainly a leading firm
in that province. But at a later time the leadership was taken
by Georg Stuchs in Nuremberg + so we see that in 1500
J. Pfeil printed the Missale Ratisponense c types that are almost
the same as those of G. Stuchs. Yet he was able to maintain
the reputation of the press for careful execution and
handsome get-up. The press was as well supplied c initials
+ liturgical letters as that of Nuremberg; music notes
were printed without any difficulty + the printing in 2
colors was of the greatest accuracy. Pfeil continued printing
far into the 16th C." Haebler.
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