



Status: Needs Review

The Library - 4th Series Vol. 7 No,2
Sept. 1926

-It is the fact both that most papyrus codices contain
Christian literature , & that most Christian writings
are in codex form.
- In the 3 & 4th C pagan MSS were in an overwhelming
majority of cases , rolls , while Christian MSS were
quite prdominently codices .
- In the 5 & 6th C the roll was going out of use altogether,
papyrus having been superseded by vellum . The
codex is therefore pre eminently a Christian form of
book . In the earlier period we may attribute this
To the fact that the Christians were for the most part
a poor & sometimes a persecuted community.
They could not afford the best kinds of book production.
- papyrus , 10 - 15" width -- roll , 35 ft. extreme limit
of Gk, literary work -- 11 [inserted]1 each of[end inserted] the Gospels & the Acts
must have formed a separate volume.
- writing was normally on the side of the papyrus
on which the fibers lay horiz. (recto side)
- papyrus in Egypt - earliest time ( 2200 BC )
to well after the Arab conquest.
Papyrus codex -{ only one column to the page
{ appears in the 3rd C.

Vers 40 apres J.C. - Mark vient a Alexandrie debut de L'
evangelisation du [crossed out] ? [end crossed out] pays.
- middle of 3rd C - The N.T. tradnit en Copte
- vers 275 Antoine se retire au desert
- 313 edit de Milan ila religion Christien ne est reconnue ,
- debut 4th C Pak home formule la 1st regle monastique
- 380 edit de Theodose : le christianisine devient
la religion d ' Etat.

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