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-The Benedictine Rule, because of its balance between prayer
work + study, provided very suitable conditions for the pursuit
of learning. The Cluniacs were too occupied with lithurgical duties
+ the Cistercians with manual work, to be able to devote much
time to study + thus produced only a comparatively small
number of writters + thinkers of distinction.
-An average copyist would produce 3-6 folios a day + that to
copy the bible one whole year was required.
-Clumsy had in the 12th C about 500 books, Reicheman
about 1000, Christ church at Canterbury 600.

Schools of Carelingian illumination
1) Pulatine or Aix - earliest, flourished during Charlemagne's reign
Byzantine in style
2) Ada group - based in Trier, made for royal patrons,
used lavish materials
3) Tours - under Aleuin, mingles Irish geomechic designs
with the animal forms popular among Merovinngian illuminations
3) Reimz school - Utrent psalter, the drawing is lively
+ naturalistic
13th C Gothic illumination - growth of border ornament + particularlu of
marginal scenes. Humans, binds + animals which before were entangled in the
Romanesque interwoven space of the initial scroll, gradually freed
themselves + escaped into the borders. In this way much of the
imaginative fantasy + curiosity which in the Romanesque period had gone
into the initials, wa now channelled into the border ornament
- the evolution of a hierachy of decoration - the decorated
borders began to form a transition from the painted miniature
to the printed, gilded initial, + the further transition to the text
written in black or brown ink was effected by the penwork
initials with their filigree ornament usually executed in red +
blue. The penwork may sometimes have been executed by the scribes
but there were also specialists for this work such as Jacquet
Maci in Paris. These penwork initials developed out of the -

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