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to the Middle Ages art was didactic; writes Male.
'All that it was necessary that men should know -
the history of the world from creation, the dofmas of religion,
the examples of the saints, the hurarchy of the virtues,
the range of the sciences, arts + crafts - all these were
taught them by the windows of the church, or by the
status in the porch ... Through the medium of art the
highest conceptions of theologian + scholar penetrated to some
catent the minds of men the humblest of the people.

P. 191 Pantim The starting point of the manuals of instruction is the legislation
of the Lateran Council of 1215 + particularly the degree Omnis
274.2 P.197 Stanford utriusque sexus, making annual confession to the Parishpriest
+ annual communion at Easter obligatory or all Christians.
Pafes 195-217 14th C manuals for parish priests
1) Ucules sacerdotis - William of Pagula - Vicar of
Winkfield, near Windsor in 1314 other works -
Summa summarum, Speculum prelatorum + S. religiosorum
2) Cilium Oculi - ? date + author
30 Speculum Curatorum - ascribed to Ranulph Higden
monk of Chester, the author of the Poly chronicon, who
died in 1364.
4) Regimen Animarum - 1343.
5) Memoriale Presbiterorum - 1344.
6) Archbishop Thoresby's 'Instructions'
of York (1352-73)
7) Pupilla Oculi - John de Bergo - Chancellor, Cambridge 1385,
8) Works of John Mink with 1400.
secondary, arabisque initials of Romanesque manuscripts. Contemporaries
Knew them as literae florissae is flourished letters or letters fleuronus
Initials at all times also had a function as a signpost to
the reader, signaling divisions of the text.

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