



Status: Complete

aprestado para salir antes de [ILL]
y estandolo sali a dicha ora al p[*are-]
zer y haviendo andado como quatro leguas
de muy mal camino y presistir el mal
temporal hize alto en un puesto
al proposito para dicho real a dicha distanzia
y para que conste lo firme con los
dichos capitan alferez del presidio y mi s[*e-]
cretario de govierno y guerra
Diego de Vargas Zapata Lujan Ponze de Leon {Rubric}
Roque Madrid {rubric}
Juan de Dios Luzero de [*Godoy]
Ante mi
Alphonso Rael de Aguilar
Secretario de Govierno y Guerra
{left margin} Salida de este paraje de Miranda para dar albazo al pueblo de los Taos
Oy martes siete del presente mes [*de]
octubre de la fecha y año de mil y se[*is cientos]
y noventa y dos yo dicho governador y capitan [*general]
estando la gente de guerra dis[*puesta y]
aprestada para salir des[*te puesto]
de [*Miranda] donde ayer [ILL]

Notes and Questions

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Good transcription. Some words were corrected as the escribano has a particular way to write s and j. Please stick to the transcription guidelines for notes like ILL, or rubric which go in square and curly brackets respectively, thanks


Please UNDERSTAND that I wasn't "done" yet. For this document, I never clicked on the "DONE" button. I clicked on the "SAVE" button with the intention of going back to review and make additional, necessary, corrections (at a later date and when my busy schedule permits it). Although I appreciate and look forward to your feedback (which is important), I wish you would give me the opportunity to review and complete the transcription before I click on the green-colored "DONE" button. Don't get me wrong, I like your feedback. But I prefer to "give it my all", if you will, before I click on the "DONE" button. It is my understanding that once I click on the "DONE" button, then the transcription is available and designated for review by wonderful NBU instructors like yourself. If you think and feel that I have misunderstood the green-colored "DONE" button and the "SAVE" button, please let me know. Thanks!


Dear HIslas,
It's perfectly understandable and my work appear on my side of FTP as a work to review. This is probably why I went ahead and did the review. Please also UNDERSTAND that my job is helping this process and advance. When I'm done with reviewing I'm also transcribing, specifically the SANM files and the AGI files, so I apologize if my continuous review caused any issue. FTP is a platform that records continuously new works and I just do what it appears on my side. Hope this explains this automated process and always here to help. Have a great day! Feliza Monta-Jameson


Dear Ms. Feliza Monta-Jameson. It's good to know that on your side of the FTP website, you always see the designation as "Work to Review" regardless of whether or not I clicked on the "DONE" button or "SAVE" button. Therefore, I will get into the habit of writing a note saying something to the effect that I have ONLY clicked on the "DONE" button or "SAVE" button. Or I'll write something like, "I'll be returning to correct and complete this document when time permits". Just as with Dr. Taylor, I look forward to any positive reviews, corrections, or feedback from you. Moreover, thank you for your contributions to the NBU project. Your contributions are priceless! - Un saludo


Sounds good! Looking forward to reading your great job with these transcriptions. FMJ

Native Bound Unbound Project

Hi Feliza and Hector, sorry for any confusion on this process. We should only be able to review things once they are marked "done". Feliza, would you screenshot me what you see on your end? It may be that there is a glitch, in which case, I can talk with the developers. Thank you both for your support!