


Insight Vol 2_006

Insight Vol 2_006

of his or her worthiness Q. Insight-here is Claward (who then came in) A. I feel her presence and her angel is coming for her and says, sufficient for the day is the care thereof _ Opportunity you must look after Courage. You can do her good. The Spiritual good between you two, will be from her to you. Q. Oppty. said he was "willing to take a low seat". A. You should not be for your seat should be very high, if you only cared to make it so. Q. If spiritual improvement goes on ad infinitum in heaven, why is re-incarnation on this earth necessary? A. Because there is some sort of improvement that can only go on in the earthly state and then each soul has its expiation to accomplish, which can only be done in a physical body, when on your earth or some other. Q. (by Wm K.) If all the evil in us can be eliminated in the state which follows death

Last edit about 1 year ago by MaryV
Insight Vol 2_007
Needs Review

Insight Vol 2_007

is that which subsequently re-incarnated entirely pure, and if so, why should it seek re-incarnation? A. No entirely pure spirit is ever re- incarnated and those who may appear nearly so are, to themselves, and above all to God, in need of their new birth [unto?] material things. Q. If one is unclothed of evil, one must be pure in heaven? A. By unclothing, is meant the desires and passions which make up your earthly form, are left behind, but you take with you much ignorance and many false ideas of things. Q. Will families be together in Heaven? A. If they are spiritually related they will. Families are not always desirous of being together on earth. Many things, pride, public opinion, keep persons in families, but these things are the falsities which are left behind when you are unclothed and see yourselves and are seen by others, as you really are.

Last edit about 1 year ago by MaryV
Insight Vol 2_008

Insight Vol 2_008

Q How about parents & children? A. The same law governs them and tho' you may rebel against this thought, when the separation takes place, it will be by your own volition and because you could not do otherwise. Q. (C.) What did Christ mean when he said, Let the dead bury their dead? A.He was speaking to the Jews, who represented a dead religion, one from which all spiritual life had departed and he meant, let those to whom such a faith was sufficient, remain where they were, but let others who thirsted for better things, follow him. Q. Will you explain the temptation of Christ? A. He was also man and as he represented redeemed humanity, it was necessary he should reach that redemption thro' the same means by which man was to reach his. Q. What did the three temptations signify? A. The first represented the temptation

Last edit almost 2 years ago by MaryV
Insight Vol 2_009

Insight Vol 2_009

that comes to humanity in its infancy, when it had only physical wants. You remember he was tempted to change stones into bread to satify his hunger; the second appealed to a higher part of the nature of man, his desire for dominion, he was promised all the kingdoms of the earth_ and the last to his spiritual nature, that is, he was tempted to worship a God of his own creation. Q. (by E.) Where and What is the music I hear? A. If you hear music, it may be subjective and come from your own connection with spiritual things. The subjective world you must always remember is the real world and the music you hear comes doubtless from the place or state you are in when it is present to you. You only appear to hear it with your outward senses, you really hear it with your spiritual ears. Q. Is it the sound of voices? A. There are in the subjective world, what

Last edit almost 2 years ago by MaryV
Insight Vol 2_010

Insight Vol 2_010

you would call musical instruments and it may be from them, or it may be vocal. You can best distinguish _ such things are not impossible. Q. Does the discovery of Electricity facilitate knowledge of these things? A. Many things are being given to mankind that seem new to them, not that they are new, but that they are only able now to discern them. Electricity is one of the great forces of the subjective world and its use is only in its infancy, it does make many things easier and in a short time it will revolutionize all kinds of thought and all the forces by which man has heretofore governed the Universe. Q. What does a dream signify when you have not the thought in mind? A. The mind is a curious thing which which retains all impressions and there is no significance, only it proves the

Last edit almost 2 years ago by MaryV
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