




[image] WORLD'S FAIR.

IMPROVED WORLD'S FAIR CORN. We claim to be seed corn specialists and we annually supply more farmers with seed corn than any dealer in the world. Prominent farmers and agricultural writers have assured us that with the new varieties which we have introduced we are rapidly nearing perfection in the corn plant. We cannot wholly agree with them, and we do not intend to stop our efforts in this direction, but Farmers will find the Improved World's Fair which we are offering this season to be a long step in advance toward the aim to which we are striving. It was bred by selection from Reid's Yellow Dent and is a great improvement over it. It is distinguished by the grain being deeper, rough on the surface and not so hard, the latter fact making it a more desirable variety for feeding purposes. It is a very strong growing variety, maturing a large handsome ear in 110 days. Few varieties have out-yielded it in experiments. A heavy cropper and for uniformity of grain, the shape and filling out of butts and tips, and compactness, there is no other variety that is nearer perfection. No variety of yellow corn has been used so much for exhibition purposes, nor won so many prizes. Any farmer who wishes to compete for premiums will find this a winner. It was the prize winner of both diploma and medal at the great World's Fair Exhibition in Chicago, but since then has been greatly improved. It is of excellent quality, being solid, heavy and of very strong vitality. The grain is so very tight on the cob that in the process of drying sometimes rows will be forced out. This cut of the World's Fair Corn represents about the standard ear, which is as follows: shape of ear nearly cylindrical; length 10 inches; circumference 7 1/4 inches. The kernel is firm, upright, and medium yellow in color, long wedge shape and slightly rough, 18 to 22 rows which are in pairs. Butt deeply rounded and compressed regular rows clear to the tip, shank small, cob red and of medium size, 88 per cent of corn to cob. Every wide-awake intelligent farmer will want to test this grand new sort and can well afford to do so, as it costs only about 30 cents per acre for seed. Any one will be well paid for growing this variety of corn. The beauty and uniformity of the ears in shape, color and completeness, is sure to please all corn growers. It is well adapted to this latitude and ripens in about 110 days. Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c, postpaid. By freight or express, pk. 65c, bu. $2.00, 2 bu. at $1.85, 10 bu. at $1.75. December 2, 1903, I have just finished gathering my World's Fair Corn and find it to be the most solid corn I ever raised, in spite of the unfavorable season. The ears are exceptionally well filled out at both ends and it yielded a good crop.- W. J. Day, Dallas County, Iowa.


SANFORD'S EARLY WHITE FLINT This standard variety is considered the best white flint corn on the market. The ears are of unusual length, 12 to 15 inches, and of handsome shape, flinty white color. Plant is of sturdy, vigorous growth; the leaves are very broad and succulent, and it is therefore of great value for fodder and ensilage, as well as for a grain crop. The stalks usually bear 2 or 3 long ears. You will be pleased with it if you like flint corn. Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c, postpaid. By freight, pk. 65c, bu. $2.25, 2 bu. or more @ $[2.1?], 10 bu. or more @ $2.00.

GIANT RED COB ENSILAGE. Beyond doubt the best fodder corn, either to feed green right from the field, to put up for the silo, or to cure and stack away. It is a pure white corn, cropping as high as forty-five tons of fodder per acre. It is sweet, tender and juicy, and furnishes more nourishment than any other variety; has short joints and therefore an abundance of leaves, and grows to a fair height, but not over-large and coarse-stalked as some varieties. It is adapted to every section of the country; although it does not ripen here, usually it matures enough to come in full milk, which is just the right state to cut. Quite popular with dairy farmers. Per pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, three lbs. 50c, postpaid; by freight, per pk. 60c, bu. $1.75, 2 bu. or more @ $1.60, 5 bu. or more @ $1.50.


PRIDE OF THE NORTH. This variety originated with A. L. Goddard, of Kossuth county, Iowa, about 20 years ago, and sprang at once into prominence as the earliest of all yellow dent corns. The ears are 7 to 8 inches long with small cob and kernel; seventy pounds of ears will make sixty pounds of shelled corn; color, bright orange and very uniform. Will ripen in ninety days and matures in this latitude when planted in June. Farmers after having two or three favorable years for medium crop varieties of corn, are very apt to overlook the advantage of planting a few acres of an extreme early variety each year, and the past two seasons have proved the necessity of doing this. Our crop of Pride of the North was planted the 18th of May and was ripe September 1st, as unfavorable as the past season was. Ordinarily it will ripen by the middle of August. Good soil is capable of producing four or five good stalks to the hill and many stalks have two ears each. This will enable one to get as large a crop of corn as with a large eared variety and much more fodder. Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c postpaid. Pk. 65c, bu. $2.00, 2 bu. or more @ $1.75, 10 bu. or more @ $1.60. I purchased from you 10 bushels of Pride of the North Corn for planting and am very much pleased with the variety and its yield.-S. W. Callanan, Kossuth Co., Ia.

EARLY FODDER SWEET CORN. Will make feed much earlier than the Evergreen Sweet Fodder Corn and is very nice to feed when in roasting ear. Pkt. 60c, bu. $2.00, 2 bu. or more @ $1.85.

EVERGREEN SWEET FODDER CORN. We consider this one of the most valuable fodder plants in existence, and stock farmers should all devote some land to it. The stalks are sweet, juicy, rich, tender and very nutritious. The leaves, which are very numerous, are large, broad, succulent, and greatly relished by all kinds of stock, being far superior in every respect to all other kinds of corn. On strong soil it will grow 10 to 12 feet high and produce an almost incredible amount of fodder which, when well cured, is quite equal to hay, besides being wonderfully cheaper. It is claimed by dairy farmers that this fodder will increase the milk and cream production greatly and keep the animals in the best condition. It has the further merit of being so sweet and palatable that cattle eat every part of the stalk and leaves. As a green fodder for cutting in the summer, one acre is worth as much as eight acres of ordinary pasture. Of high value also for the hogs, and an excellent plant to plow under for soiling. Sow thickly in drills, or broadcast at the rate of two bushels per acre. Pk. 70c, bu. (measured) $2.50, 2 bu. or more @ $2.25.

IMPROVED EARLY YELLOW FLINT. An eight rowed yellow flint variety with ears from 10 to 15 inches long, 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches in diameter, and are well filled out to the extreme end of cob. The cob is small and the kernel large and broad, ripens in 75 to 85 days. This corn is well adapted to the northwest, and is said to produce 200 bushels of ears to the acre in Massachusetts. Has given excellent results in Minnesota and other northern states. Excellent for ensilage and is often used here for replanting. Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c, postpaid. By freight, pk. 65c, bu. $2.25, 2 bu. or more @ $2.10, 10 bu. or more @ $2.00. The seeds bought of you last year were first class. The Yellow Flint Corn was the best ever seen here. I had ears measuring 13 inches, and from the quart of seed planted I gathered 25 bushel baskets full of ears, and have sold it to my neighbors for seed.-J. Doll, Otter Tail County, Minn. The seed corn I bought of you last spring was the best investment I ever made. It produced fully double as much as that of my neighbors and it is of the finest quality.-W. C. McHenry, Crawford Co., Iowa.



Last edit over 1 year ago by lelfrank



THE IRISH VICTOR Outyields Every Other Variety. TRY IT.


SEED OATS. IRISH VICTOR.- Introduced by the Iowa Seed Company. A grand novelty and the most productive variety ever brought out. The Irish Victor, brought over from Ireland six years ago, has proved superior to all other sorts grown in the same section, in vigor of growth, stiffness of straw and productiveness. The straw is very stiff, holding the heavy head up well. It is fully as early as the Lincoln and yields more than that very productive variety. The grains are large, plump and heavy. Plant grows to medium height, of vigorous growth, stools out exceptionally well, is free from rust and yields an immense crop. By freight, peck 40c; bushel, $1.00; 2 bushels or more at 90c; 10 bushels or more at 80c per bu. "I have handled a great many car loads of oats both of my own growing and also as a shipper of grain to eastern markets, but I consider your Irish Victor Oats the best ever shipped from this station. I saw the oats growing and the field was beautiful; it stood up straight, having a very stiff straw and sprangled head. They far surpass the Lincoln, Swiss, White Russian, Bonanza, and all other varieties of oats which have been grown in this vicinity.- H. H. Connell, Poweshiek county, Iowa. LINCOLN.- When we introduced these oats to our customers in 1893, they had never been tested in this state, but had done so exceptionally well in Minnesota that we had much faith in them. Seven prizes, amounting to $500, were offered for the largest crops grown from one bushel of seed sown, and in our 1894 catalogue we published a list of the awards, the first prize going to a man who grew 174 bushels from one bushel of seed sown, and the average of seven successful competitors was 116 bushels each. On account of its soft nib, heavy meat and thin hull it is unsurpassed for feeding and making into oatmeal. By freight, pk. 35c; bu. 90c; 2 bu. or more @ 80c; 10 bu. or more @ 75c. EARLY CHAMPION.- This grand new variety which was introduced in 1898, has given excellent satisfaction to our customers, and it gave the largest yield per acre of any variety in the test at the Iowa Agricultural College, and is highly recommended by them. Has comparatively short straw, matures a week to ten days earlier than other kinds, thus largely escaping the liabilty [liability] to rust. Per pk. 35c; bu. 90c; 2 bu. or more, @ 80c; 10 bu. or more @ 70c. SILVER MINE.- A very popular variety. The grain is heavy, plump and has a thin hull. It is quite hardy and vigorous and will undoubtedly please you. Our seed is pure, grown from headquarter's stock and we think is unsurpassed. It is bright, nice and tests 98 per cent. Per peck, 35c; bu., 85c; 2 bu. or more @ 75c; 10 bu. or more @ 65c. BLACK TARTARIAN OATS.- While attending the Royal Agricultural Show in Cardiff, Wales, we saw a fine lot of English grown Black Tartarian Oats on exhibition there, and knowing there would be a considerable demand for these from our customers we arranged for a stock. This is the most hardy and most productive variety of oats that we know of; 442 grains have been grown on a single straw. It stools freely and grain is short and plump, of best possible quality. The English farmer, Mr. Bennett, says: "I sowed nine bushels on three acres of land last year and they yielded 365 bushels; this is equal to about 122 bushels per acre." We believe that many of our customers will want to try them this year and although the expense of importation was quite heavy, we are enabled to offer them at the comparatively low price of 25c per lb., three lbs. 60c, postpaid; by freight, peck 75c, bushel $2.25, two bushels or more @ $2.10, ten bushels or more @ $2.00. WINTER TURF OATS.- This valuable grain has for several years been growing in favor and use in many parts of the south and has proven valuable, both for the grain and for winter grazing. The oats may be sown any time from August until October. We have also sown these oats in the spring and they did just as well as the ordinary varieties of spring oats producing fully as large a crop. They are not claimed to be as hardy as the Turkish Red or Defiance Winter Wheat, but are fully as hardy as most other varieties. They will grow on poorer soil and stool out better than most varieties of oats. Better buy a few as so as to secure stock seed. By freight per peck, 60c, bu. $1.75, 2 bu. or more @ $1.50. EUROPEAN HULLESS OATS.- This will doubtless be a novelty to many farmers, but hulless oats are not new in this country as they have been cultivated to a limited extent for many years. The berry or grain which is much larger than of ordinary varieties, is loose in the hulls and easily threshed out as clean as wheat or rye. Better try a little of it. Our stock is small and will doubtless be exhausted before the season is over. Pkt. 10c, lb. 50c, postpaid.

SEED BARLEY. IDEAL WHITE HULLESS.-The heads are large and well filled with big, plump kernels and of great value for feeding. Those who have grown it say that it produces a much larger crop than any other. It weighs 60 to 65 pounds to the measured bushel, while ordinary barley weighs only 48 pounds. The straw is very stiff and strong. It is not a malting barley and can be used for feed only, but as a fat producer for hogs it has no equal; is a vigorous grower and can be sown after all the other grain and will mature before either wheat or oats. Price 3 lbs. 60c, postpaid; by freight, peck, 65c, bushel (48 pounds), $2.00; 2 bushels or more at $1.85; 15 bushels or more at $1.65. SUCCESS BEARDLES [BEARDLESS].-Earliest barley known. With good land and season it has produced 80 bushels per acre. Sow as early as you can; frost does not hurt it. This variety is beardless and as easy to grow and handle as oats. It is a heavy cropper, yielding from 60 to 75 bushels per acre. Good for malting and feed for hogs and other stock. Stock is short this year. Order early. Per lb. 25c; 3 lbs. 60c postpaid; by freight, pk. 50c; bu. $1.35; 2 bu. or more @ $1.25; 10 bu. more at $1.10. MANDSCHEURI.-An improvement on the Manshury which has heretofore been the most popular bearded sort. It is an early six-rowed variety, maturing in 80 or 90 days from time of sowing, very strong strawed and stools well, bearing large, well-filled heads of beautiful, plump-berried grain, possessing malting qualities of a high order and adapting itself readily to a wonderful variety of soils. Per lb. 25c; 3 lbs. 60c postpaid. By freight, pk. 45c; 2 bu. $1.25 bu. or more at $1.15; 10 bu. or more at $1.10.

CHANGE YOUR SEED OATS THIS YEAR. It will pay you to sell your common oats and sow these improved varieties this year when the seed is so cheap. The increased yield on a few acres will cover the entire cost of seed for your farm. The seed oats and barley purchased from you last spring have given the best satisfaction. The yield was above my expectations. I shall recommend your seeds wherever I can.-G. Kueffer, Ness county, Kansas. I have grown the Siver Mine Oats for four years and they are strictly first-class. They have never rusted or lodged and they produced 90 bu. per acre on my place. I consider them the best variety of oats that I have ever raised.- Wm. Hilker, Polk county, Iowa.

FLAX SEED. It will pay you to sow nice, pure high grade flax seed. It is one of the most profitable crops, espcially [especially] on new land. Prices subject to market changes. Per pk. 60c, bu. $1.85 10 bu. or more @ $1.75.

Ideal White Hulless Barley


Last edit over 1 year ago by lelfrank




SEED WHEAT. HAYNES' PEDIGREE WHEAT.-We cannot too highly recommend this grand new variety as being the best of spring wheat in existence and are sure it will please everyone who tries it. It was originated by Mr. L. H. Haynes, who spent eight years in selecting and improving it in his garden, each year choosing all the largest and best heads and discarding all the balance. The heads are very large, well filled out, the kernel is hard, the plant stools greatly and under ordinarily favorable conditions will yield 40 to 50 bu per acre. It is an improvement on Blue Stem Wheat and fully five days earlier in maturing. Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c postpaid. By freight, pk. 65c, bu. $2.00, 2 bu. or more @ $1.85. I was much pleased with Haynes' Pedigree Blue Stem Wheat last year. The weather was very unfavorable for small grain but it yielded nearly double the crop that my other wheat did and of much better quality.-G. Rubes, Dickinson Co., Iowa. VELVET CHAFF SPRING WHEAT.- This is now the standard variety for growing in Iowa, having displaced all the older sorts. It has proved much superior to the Scotch Fife, Saskatchewan, and other sorts, being fully equal in quality, earlier, more sure, and yielding much larger crops. It is a remarkable semi-hard spring wheat, yielding large crops free from rust. All stock seems to be a trifle mixed and it is impossible to obtain that which is strictly pure, but we think this which we are offering is as pure as can be obtained. Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c, postpaid. By freight, pk. 50c, bu. $1.60, 2 bu. or more @ S1.50. DEFIANCE WINTER WHEAT.- A novelty of 1900 introduced by the Iowa Seed Co.- We claim for this new wheat that it is unequalled in hardiness, stooling qualities, productiveness, rust proof qualities, strength of straw, quality of grain, quality of flour, and the best in all respects of any wheat ever offered. It has a record of over 59 bu. per acre, and many crops are reported of 35 to 45 bu. Don't sow the old worn out varieties when you can add 50 to 100 per cent to your crop by sowing the Defiance. Everyone is delighted with it. Ask for price in the fall. Price for shipment now by mail, 1 lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c. By freight, pk. 50c, bu. $1.50, 2 bu. or more @ $1.40. TURKISH RED WINTER WHEAT.-The old standard sort of iron-clad hardiness, and very productive. Lb. 20c, 3 lbs. 50c. By freight, pk. 40c, bu. $1.25, 2 bu. or more @ $1.10. CORN WHEAT.-It is a vigorous grower and extremely hardy. It has gone under the name of Wild Goose Wheat or Corn Wheat, but has now been identified as the true Macaroni Wheat grown in Europe. We believe that there are thousands of our customers who will want to try this wonderful new grain. Pkt. 5c, lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 75c postpaid. By freight half pk. 50c, pk. 85c, bu. $2.50.

[image] SPELTZ.

WONDERFUL SAND VETCH. OR WINTER VETCH. - A comparatively new forage plant in this country which has been proved of highest value and is highly recommended by the U. S. Agricultural Department. Though it succeeds and produces good crops on poor, sandy soils, it is much more vigorous on good land and grows to a height of 4 or 5 feet, remaining green all winter. It is the earliest crop for cutting, and a full crop can be taken off the land in time for planting spring crops. It is exceedingly nutritious, much more so than clover, is eaten with relish and may be fed with safety to all kinds of stock. Also valuable for a hay crop. Sow 1/2 bu. per acre, either in spring or fall. Pkt. 5c, lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 75c postpaid. By freight, pk. $1.75, bu. (60 lbs.) $6.00. MONSTER WINTER RYE. We consider Winter Rye one of the most important of all farm crops. In the first place it is a sure crop, failures being almost unknown. Every farmer should have at least a few acres of it. It is usually sown in the fall and as it grows very vigorously will furnish pasture till late in the fall and also early in the spring before other grasses have begun to make a growth. For this reason it is of great value to dairy farmers. If sown very early in the spring it makes an early and abundant pasture but will not make a grain crop. Our stock is of extra fine quality. Pk. 50c, bu. $1.35, 2 bu. or more @ $1.20, 5 bu. or more @ $1.00. SPRING RYE. Distinct from the Winter Rye, grain of finer quality and more productive, and can be successfully grown in any latitude. It is now being largely sown in the north in the place of oats, being a more profitable crop on account of the production of nearly four times the straw. Lb. 35c,3 lbs. 60c postpaid. By freight, pk. 60c, bu. $1.75, 2 bu. or more @ $1.60, 5 bu. or more @ $1.50.

[image] SAND VETCH.

SPELTZ. A Valuable New Grain from Russia. It is botanically known as Triticum Spelta or Emmer, and for centuries past it has been grown in a limited way in Eastern Russia near the Caspian Sea, its value not being known to the civilized world. Is of high value for feeding and will make a fair grade of flour similar to rye. Will grow well and produce immense crops on poor soil, and dry weather appears to have no effect on it; will make a good crop with almost any condition of soil or climate. It makes excellent pasture and good hay if cut at proper season. Yields 70 to 100 bu. grain to the acre, besides several tons of straw for feeding. The grain is claimed to be much richer than corn for feeding and of superior quality for fattening hogs, cattle, sheep, poultry, etc. May be sown in fall, but usually sown in spring, 50 to 75 lbs. per acre. Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c postpaid. By freight, pk. 50c, bu. (40 lbs.) $1.30, 2 bu. or more @ $1.00, 10 bu. or more @ 85c. IDAHO COFFEE PEAS. A new substitute for coffee, not at all resembling the German Coffee Berry. It is a native of Idaho and has been grown largely in Colorado and elsewhere, producing immense crops at a low cost. One plant sometimes bearing as many as 1000 pods. When roasted and ground it has the flavor of coffee. Pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. 40c, 3 lbs. $1.00 prep'd. MAMMOTH RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER. Largest sunflower. This is without doubt one of the best paying crops that can be raised. Seeds are the best of food for poultry and is much cheaper to raise than corn. Stalks make good firewood. Large pkt. 5c, lb. 20c, 3 lbs. 55c, postpaid; by freight 10 lbs. 70c, bu. of 25 lbs. $1.50.

IMPROVED PROLIFIC TREE BEAN. Also called California Wonder. Undoubtedly the most prolific bean grown, and it will yield a larger crop under ordinary circumstances than any variety that we have ever seen. The beans are pure white, of small size, greatly resembling the Navy and command the highest market price. Usually free from rust and mildew. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pint 12c, qt. 35c. By freight, pk. $1.25, bu. $4.25. THE VELVET BEAN. Nature's great soil restorer. Is a green manuring, and forage plant. Forms a nutritious fodder and makes valuable hay. Plant at the rate of 1 1/2 pecks to the acre, in drills five feet apart. Pkt. 10c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c postpaid. By express or freight, pk. $1.00, bu. $3.50. SPANISH GRASS PEAS. Very productive, producing from 40 to 45 bu. to the acre. Sow 5 pks. to the acre. The peas are regular in form, very hardy and of the best feeding quality. Is not affected by the pea bug. Lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c, postpaid. By freight, pk. 75c, bu. (60 lbs.) $2.50. EGYPTIAN OR CHICK PEAS. A great yielding pea, plant grows upright, branching and covered with balloon-like pods; very productive. Lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 75c, postpaid. By freight, pk. $1.25, bu. $4.00.

BUCKWHEAT. JAPANESE BUCKWHEAT.- A week earlier than Silver Hull and yields more. The flour made from it is equal in quality to any other buckwheat. Lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c postpaid. By freight, pk. 50c, bu. (52 lbs.) $1.50, 2 bu. or more @ $1.35. SILVER HULL BUCKWHEAT.- Grain is of light gray color, rounder than the common variety, has thinner husks, earlier and yields more. Lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c. By freight, pk. 50c, bu. $1.50, 2 bu. or more @ $1.35. RYE BUCKWHEAT.-A wonderful novelty growing exactly like buckwheat, but the grain has no hull on, and looks exactly like the grains of rye. Seed may be sown any time from April 1st to August 1st. Every farmer should try this new grain. Pkt. 10c, lb. 40c, 3 lbs. $1.00 postpaid. By freight, 1/2 pk. 60c, pk. $1.00, bu. $3.50.



Last edit over 1 year ago by lelfrank




EARLY AMBER CANE. Dairy farmers say that the Early Amber Cane is the most valuable fodder plant in existence for their use. It is profitably grown anywhere from Manitoba to Mexico, on any good corn ground, and is but little affected by drought. It is of the very best quality, being sweet, tender, nutritious and greedily eaten by cattle, horses and hogs. Dairymen find that the cows will give more and richer milk from its use, and it is claimed that ten tons of green fodder have been grown per acre. Sow 100 pounds per acre for best results. Price subject to market change. Per lb. 20c, 3 lbs. 50c postpaid; by freight, 10 lbs. 50c, 25 lbs. 85c; 100 lbs. $2.50, 500 lbs. or more @ $2.25 per 100 lbs.

TEOSINTE. A fodder plant grown largely in some parts of the country. Somewhat resembling corn in its general appearance. In its perfection it produces a great number of shoots growing as much as 12 feet high; very thickly covered with leaves, yielding such an abundance of foliage that one plant is considered sufficient to feed a pair of cattle for twenty-four hours. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 1/4 lb. 30c; lb. $1.00; 3 lbs. (sufficient for one acre) $2.65 postpaid.

EARLY SOJA BEANS. Coffee Berry - Also Called Soy Beans. During recent years this variety has been sold under the name of German Coffee Berry at extremely high prices, but we prefer to offer it under its correct name. When roasted and ground it closely resembles coffee and tastes quite similar. Some mix half and half with coffee when using and claim it is superior. It is a valuable fodder plant either for feeding green or for the silo. Like the clovers it is a soil improver, deriving its nitrogen from the air. Plant in drills two or three feet apart and one foot between plants. Pkt. 5c, lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 75c, postpaid; by freight, pk. $1.00, bu. (50 lbs.) $3.25.

KAFFIR CORN. This is a fodder plant, yielding two crops of fodder during the season. It grows from 5 to 6 feet high. The stalks keep green and are brittle and juicy, not hardening like other varieties of sorghum; making excellent fodder, either green or dried. There is no failure about it, as it posseses [possesses] the quality that all the tribe possess, of waiting for rain without any loss of capacity to yield. The grain is valuable for feeding to poultry and will make a flour that is like wheat. Pkt. 5c, lb. 20c, 3 lbs. 50c, postpaid; by freight, peck 50c, bu. (50 lbs.) $1.25c, 2 bu. or more @ $1.15.

JERUSALEM CORN. Claimed by many practical growers to be an improvement on Kaffir corn, as it is a surer crop in unfavorable seasons. Produces a large crop of fodder which is of very good quality. Seed white and nearly flat. It yields a good grain crop also. Three to four pounds will plant an acre in drills, 40 to 50 lbs. broadcast. Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c; by freight, pk. 75c, bu. (50 lbs.) $3.00, 2 bu. or more at $2.75 per bu.


AUSTRALIAN SALT BUSH. A most valuable plant for soils containing alkali and for all regions subjected to prolonged drought. It is highly desirable to furnish forage during the hot, dry summer months in our western and southern states. Not hardy in the north. The past few seasons in California have been so dry that the special value of this plant has been most strongly demonstrated. The plant needs some little moisture to start it into growth, but when once started will make a strong growth during the hottest and dryest [driest] weather. There is no danger of it becoming a troublesome weed, as it is very easily eradicated when cut off below the soil or turned under with a plow. Per packet 5c, ounce 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.35, postpaid.

FIELD PEAS. For the northern states there is no crop of greater value than Field Peas, and none is more neglected, which can be attributed to a lack of knowledge as to its merits. Like all leguminous crops, peas have the power of extracting nitrogen from the air, and the soil is richer of nitrogen than before the peas were sown upon it. It is a nutritious food and relished by all kinds of farm animals. SCOTCH BEAUTY.-Best blue field peas. Will yield an immense crop. Superior quality. Per pk. 60c, bu. $2.25, 2 bu. or more at $2.00 per bu. WHITE CANADA.- More used than any other. Per pk. 60c, bu. $2.00, 2 bu. or more at $1.85 per bu. WHIP-POOR-WILL COW PEAS.- The most highly valued plant in the south for fodder and reclaiming old or worn out land as it is a leguminous plant of special merit as a fertilizer. The vines when fed green make the best fodder and are very nourishing. The Whip-Poor-Will is the most popular sort and yields a good crop both of fodder and peas. When ripened the ground peas make the best cattle fattener. Pkt. 5c, lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c; by freight, pk. 90c, bu. 3.00. Ask for special prices on Field Peas in larger quantities.


DWARF ESSEX RAPE. The most popular and profitable forage plant in existence. The demand for Dwarf Essex Rape is increasing four-fold every year, and everywhere it gives the greatest satisfaction. It is easily grown everywhere and is unsurpassed as a forage plant for hogs, cattle or sheep. They eat it greedily and seem to prefer it to any other pasture during the summer and until late in fall or early winter. It is usually sown in June, July or August with corn or potatoes, or on well prepared land alone for summer and fall pasture. Makes a wonderfully productive pasture for sheep, hogs or cattle, and they gain flesh so rapidly that they soon "weigh like lead." While it is the ideal food for sheep, still it is of equal value for hogs and cattle, as they are very fond of it. It is extremely cheap, having yielded twenty tons of fodder per acre. The United States Department of Agriculture claims that it adds greatly to the fertility of the soil for the following grain crop. Our stock is the true Dwarf Essex imported by us in carload lots direct from the best growers in England. Beware of low prices on rape seed this year, as some unscrupulous dealers last year substituted German Rape which can be sold at less than half price, but it goes quickly to seed and is worthless for forage purposes. Every one of our cutstomers was pleased last year. Per pkt. 5c, lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 75c, postpaid; by freight, 5 lbs. 50c; 10 lbs. 85c, 25 lbs. $1.75, 100 lbs. $6.00. Ask for circular on growing rape.

BROOMCORN. DWARF EMERALD.- Is the result of a cross between Dwarf Evergreen and California Golden. Stalk is short and its one object seems to be to produce long, perfect shaped brush in the shortest possible time. Very productive. Lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 75c; by freight, 10 lbs. $1.50, 25 lbs. $3.00; 100 lbs. $9.00. CALIFORNIA GOLDEN.- Has been carefully selected and improved so that the brush is straight and long. Per lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 65c; by freight, 10 lbs. 60c, 25 lbs. $1.25, 100 lbs. $4.00. EVERGREEN.- More largely grown in western states than any other. Lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 65c; by freight, 10 lbs. 65c, 25 lbs. $1.40, 100 lbs. $4.50. DWARF.- Popular in some sections. Matures late. Lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 65c; by freight, 10 lbs. 75c, 25 lbs. $1.50, 100 lbs. $5.00.

THOUSAND HEADED KALE. The seed can be sown early in April or any time thereafter until mid-summer. It grows to the height of 3 to 4 feet, and is so covered with small whorls of leaves that the name of Thousand Headed Kale has been given it. It will yield a much larger crop than the Dwarf Essex Rape as it branches out from the bottom, grows very rapidly and is greatly relished by hogs, cattle and sheep. It grows with increased rapidity after being fed off and flourishes on all kinds of soil. In England we find that they are sowing this seed broadcast on their pastures with grass seeds, using about one pound of seed per acre, though if sown alone about 3 lbs. per acre should be used. Not hardy in this state, but we have no doubt that it will be used very largely in the south for winter pasture, and it is the cheapest of any feed that we know of. While as stated above, three pounds of seed are sown to the acre broadcast, it is better to sow in rows 18 inches apart; one lb. is sufficient for an acre. Price, large pkg. 5c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 65c, postpaid. By express, 5 lbs. or more @ 50c per lb.


Last edit over 1 year ago by lelfrank



PENCILARIA. Another year has added much to the popularity of this wonderful fodder plant and thousands of farmers, especially those in the dry sections of the country have been delighted with it. Three years ago when we first introduced Pencilaria to the farmers of this country there were many who looked incredulous at our statements of its wonderful productiveness, but still it created a great deal of interest and fully 75,000 farmers in all parts of the United States gave it a trial. Everywhere it is without parallel in productiveness. It grows on all kinds of soil, in all kinds of climate, and everywhere pleases and astonishes those who have previously had no experience with it. HISTORY. About thirty years ago a New York seedsman introduced to the farmers of the United States, a plant known botanically as Penicillaria Spicata or Pennisetum Typhoideum, which he renamed Pearl Millet although it is not really a millet. It soon became popular in the south but could not be so successfuly [successfully] grown in the north. There are said to be eight varieties of this plant growing in Africa, and a more recent importation from there has proved to be much better for growing in the North. It is now so well acclimated that it yields a wonderfully large crop, even in the northern states. A comparative test with Pearl Millet shows that Pencilaria is of stronger, more vigorous growth, stools out better and leaves are broader and more succulent, it grows more vigorously after being cut, and many of our customers report having cut four to seven crops during the season. It also produces a good, profitable crop in sections where Pearl Millet is a failure. DESCRIPTION. The seed is very small, about the size of a pinhead, and it is really wonderful that it should produce such an immense growth of foliage. When it first comes up it looks like grass, but very soon changes its appearance so that it more nearly resembles corn, growing very rapidly and having broader, more succulent leaves than either corn, cane, Kaffir corn, Pearl millet, Jerusalem corn or any other plant of that character. The stalks grow to a height of 12 to 14 feet and are covered with juicy leaves which are quite similar to Indian corn in appearance, but instead of producing ears like corn or large heads like Kaffir corn, it produces long, cylindrical heads 10 to 16 inches in length, and only about one inch in diameter, closely set with thousands of tiny seeds which are greatly relished by poultry. QUALITY. We claim that Pencilaria is much superior in quality to corn fodder, Kaffir corn or any similar plant. This is shown by the cattle leaving corn to go to Pencilaria. Cattle, horses and hogs are all very fond of the fodder and we feed it on our place constantly through the summer and fall and keep the dry Pencilaria hay for use throughout the winter months. 95 TONS PER ACRE. One of the most noted farmers in the United States who also stands high as a writer for the agricultural press, states that he made a careful test, sowing the seed on the 15th of May in drills 18 inches apart. It looked like grass at first, but he cultivated it at the end of 12 days and it then grew very radidly [rapidly]. He cut the first crop on July 1st, 45 days after sowing the field. It was then 7 feet high and it weighed, green, thirty tons per acre, and when dry gave six and one-half tons of hay per acre. The second growth was cut on August 14th when the plants were 9 feet high and the crop weighed 55 tons per acre green and 8 tons per acre dry. The third cutting was made October 1st. It weighed 10 tons green and one and one-half tons dry thus making a total of 95 tons green fodder and when dry made 16 tons of hay, all from one sowing of seed on one acre. If there is any other plant in existence that will afford such a yield we do not know what it is.

CULTIVATION. The seed is usually sown in drills 24 to 36 inches apart, dropping three or four seeds to each foot of row. In this way one pound will sow an acre of land. It should be cultivated as soon as well up and it is seldom necessary to cultivate a second time as the plant grows so rapidly that it soon takes care of itself and quickly smothers out all weeds. It always pays to cut the first crop when the plants are two or three feet high, and the later cuttings when three to six feet high. In this way it will make three to seven crops per acre. If you allow it to grow on without cutting so as to obtain the seed crop the quality is not so good. Do not sow the seed until the ground is quite warm, say about the usual corn planting time. While we always recommend that the seed be sown in drills, still it can be sown broadcast, lightly brushing it in. STOOLING HABIT. Everyone is greatly astonished with the stooling nature of Pencilaria. While it begins at once to stool out from the root, still it is after being once cut off that this is specially prominent. In introducing it two years ago, we stated that 43 large leafy stalks, larger than the tallest corn stalks, had grown from one tiny seed. Many persons were incredulous and the editor of one agricultural paper stated that this was clearly a misstatement as such a thing was impossible, but Pencilaria has far surpassed our claim, many farmers reporting fifty, fifty-four, sixty, sixty-five, sixty-seven, and even as high as seventy-six stalks grown from one seed, each one of these stalks growing seven to fourteen feet in height and covered with long, broad, juicy leaves. WARNING. Remember that the seed is tender and it will not do to plant it until the soil becomes warm. Do not plant it deep as a covering of a quarter to a half-inch of soil is sufficient, and if seed is planted more than half an inch deep it will be very apt to fail to grow. PRICES. Three years ago we sold the seed at $1.50 per pound when other seedsmen were asking $2.50 per pound for it. Last season we reduced the price to 75c and this season the crop is so good that we can reduce it still more. Per pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. 35c, 3 lbs. $1.00 postpaid. By express per lb. 25c, 5 lbs. $1.00, 25 lbs. $3.75, 100 $13.50.

THEY ALL LIKE IT. I believe Pencilaria is the thing to plant for forage in southern Illinois. I planted seven different kinds of forage plants last spring, and Pencilaria is the only kind I shall plant the coming season.- J. M. Dashiell, Macon Co., Ill. I think Pencilaria more than doubles the yield of any fodder plant.-J. M. Lyons, Story Co., Iowa. WAY UP NORTH.-I have planted Pencilaria and think it is wonderful the way it stools out, as there are over sixty stools from one root.- E. C. Officer, La Moure Co., N. D. WAY OUT WEST. Owing to the unfavorable season Pencilaria grew only about six feet high; and heads are 9 to 10 inches long and it produced 25 stalks to the seed.-M. A. Moon, Monterey Co., California. WAY DOWN SOUTH.- The Pencilaria is all that you describe it to be, producing well and was relished by the cows amazingly.- Mrs. P. DeMere, Union Co., Fla. I have noticed some statements that your Pencilaria is like the old Pearl Millet, but the latter is positively a failure here, while Pencilaria stands green and thrifty as though regularly watered. Professor Budd, one of the best posted horticulturists in the United States induced us to plant it. Chas. N. Knight, Bexar Co., Texas.

GIANT SPURRY. An excellent plant for pasture and it grows so well on poor, dry, sandy soil, that it has been called the the clover of sandy land." Grows very rapidly and is of great value for light or thin ground, and has shown wonderful productiveness. Its value as a manurial plant is pronounced. It is readily eaten by sheep and cattle. Sow broadcast at the rate of 10 lbs. per acre if wanted for hay. If wanted as a fertilizer plow under when 15 to 20 inches high. Two crops can be plowed under in one year on account of its quick growth. It is an annual. Pkt. 5c, lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 75c, postpaid. By freight 10 lbs. $1.25, 50 lbs. $4.00, 100 lbs. $8.75.

WONDERFUL RYE-BUCKWHEAT. A wonderful new grain from Russia which has never before been introduced in this country. It is a curious variety of buckwheat and is exactly like the ordinary varieties in foliage, blossom, shape of plant and habit of growth, except that it produces grains free from hulls and greatly resembling rye in shape. On our farm it yielded a much heavier crop than either rye or buckwheat, and proved a great success. Seed may be sown at any time from April 1st to August 1st. We have received letters from several of the Agricultural Colleges in various states speaking highly of it. Pkt. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 40c, 3 lbs. $1.00 postpaid. By freight, 1/2 pk. 60c, pk. $1.00, bu. $3.50.

UPLAND RICE. The main expense in growing rice has been the necessity of irrigating or flooding the land. This cools the land, retards the growth and makes it impossible to grow rice in the northern states. We now offer our customers an early variety which can be grown on any ordinary land, although it prefers a moist situation and has matured in Illinois. In an ordinarily favorable season it will yield 20 to 40 bushels per acre, or fully as much as wheat. Its growth is similar to wheat. Ordinarily rice is sown broadcast, 1 to 3 bushels per acre, but the upland rice requires only one peck per acre. Sow early in spring in drills 2 feet apart, and drop the seeds one inch apart in drills covering about 1 1/2 inches. It stools out very heavily. Select a good place to sow it and prepare to supply your neighbors with seed next year at a good profit. Price per pkt. 5c, 1/4 lb. 15c, 1 lb. 40c, 3 lbs. $1.00 postpaid. By express or freight, pk. $1.00, bu. $3.75. Order early.

NEW ERA COW PEAS. A novelty of great merit in that it is the earliest variety of Cow Peas in existence and therefore most decidedly the best for growing in the northern states. Throughout the south Cow Peas are considered one of the most profitable crops, as they yield immensely and are largely used as a green summer feed and also for planting in corn and other crops and plowing under as a fertilizer. Most varieties, however, are too late for the north, but a few years ago we found a new variety which had never been disseminated producing about three crops per year in Georgia, and maturing in 60 days from the time of planting. It was tested in this latitude and in Minnesota and gave excellent results, producing well, and proved to be all right as to season of maturing. They are a great soil invigorator, as, like clover, they take most of their subsistence from the air. Per large pkt. 5c, lb. 30c, 3 lbs. for 80c, postpaid. By freight, pk. $1.25, bu. $3.75. Your New Era Cow Peas made as fine a crop as I ever saw. The cattle were fond of them both as green fodder and dry and would leave corn when they could get the cow peas. They were very early, yielded an immense crop; you cannot say too much about them.- J. E. Browne, Polk Co., Iowa.

GIANT CUZCO CORN. A strange and curious corn from Peru, with kernels of mammoth size as shown in our illustration, each one being as large as four to 10 kernals [kernels] of ordinary field corn. It will cause wonder and astonishment in everyone who sees it. It is quite late in maturing and therefore should be started early in pots in the house. In transplanting be careful not to disturb the roots. Is a great novelty and attracted much attention at the corn shows. Sold only in packets of 10 seeds for 10c.


Last edit over 1 year ago by lelfrank
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