Recent Activity by lauraglucina

lauraglucina added a note to 20 in bt-124-11-2 in Registers of Certificates of Service, Masters and Mates, Foreign Trade pt 2, saying “thank you for correcting my mistakes and for letting me know :)”Note Added
lauraglucina edited 20 in bt-124-11-2 in Registers of Certificates of Service, Masters and Mates, Foreign Trade pt 2Page Edited
lauraglucina transcribed 20 in bt-124-11-2 in Registers of Certificates of Service, Masters and Mates, Foreign Trade pt 2Page Transcribed
lauraglucina marked 20 as needing review in bt-124-11-2 in Registers of Certificates of Service, Masters and Mates, Foreign Trade pt 2Page Needs Review