



Status: Needs Review


Physick & Surgery.

For the Black Jandice.

Take as many handfulls as you please of the dryed leaves of broome that
are gathered in May & dryed to powder, to every handfull of leaves add a handfull
of seeds bruised to powder, Mingle them & drink of it morning & evening, a good while.


Take of the rinds of read dock's roots, cutt & stamped small 2 handfull, lett
them hang in a bagg in new ale 3 days. drink this constantly.

For the Spleen.

Take to a gallon of water 20 old pepins (if they be not faire ones 30) washe
& core them but not paire them, putt them into the water with burrage & buglose
& balme of each half a handfull, lett it boile in an earthen piphin, till a third part
be consumed, then putt in a pint (or if it be cold water/a pinte & a half of white
wine, & lett it only boile up, then take it to the fire & lett it run thorow a cloth
into an earthen pan, So lett it stand till next morning, then botle it very close up
and after 3 weekes drink of it in the morning & evening and at any time but
att meals, you may beginne to make this assoone as the hearbs may be had greene
or before with the dryed hearbs. You nay make it & drink it all Summer &
Spring as long as you can have old pepins.


Take Balme or Seabius, betony & pimpernell of each a good quantity, putt a
good deale of Venice turpentine amongst the hearbs. look the rest page .88.


Take Roes of read herrings dryed in an Oven to pouder, of which take a
small part in your drinck.

A Stich in the Side

Take a handfull of green broom, boile it in a quarte of small bear to
half a pinte, into which putt Mithridate the quantity of a nuttmegg, drinck it
& sweat after it 2 houres if you can.

For the Stone. Another.

Take Nettle's seed & the iuice of Nettles, & drinck it in white wine or Syrup
of Althea. Tis a singular Remedy.

For a Sore Breast. Still of the Same Doctor.

Take a good handfull of malloes clean pickt from the Stalks, Boile them in running
water till all the water be consumed, then putt to them a botle of Ale grounds & a
quarte of white wine & a good deale of wheat bread crums, then boile them well to =
= gether Keeping them sturring when it is well boiled putt in a peece of Deer or
Mutton, suet & so lett it boile to an . When you use it, Spread it on a linnen
Cloth with a hole cutt for the Niple, Aply it blood warme, this will breack & heale it
without a tent, Anoynt the breast also with oyle of Linseed.


Take of the freshest part of leaven & the tenderst Tops of rosmary cutt Very Small
and Knead it together with white wine Venigar into a little cake, which bake gently upon
a fire shovell & apply warme upon the Crown of the head.


Physick & Surgery.

A Smoaking Pouder.

Take dryed Coltsfoot the Cobwebs being wiped of one ounce, of the rindes
of pistaches half an ounce, of rosmary's tops half an ounce, of the seed of the
lesser Caramus 6 dragms, of these (the hearbs being dryed) make a cours pouder,
by cutting not beating, sprinckle it with 8 drops of oyle of anyseeds & 4 drops of
oyle of Cinamon, add also a quarter of an ounce of rosmary flowers before you weigh
the hearbs but lett them be very dry, To these pouders add a six part of tobacco, So
take it in a pipe.

For the Worms. of the same.

Take sweet oyle, or oyle of Sweet Almonds with the Juice of lemons mixt with it,
if noe feaver oyle with white wine is good. Item the seed of Tansy & Costmary
is both excellent for worms taken any way: it kills & expelles them.

Cough & Difficulty in breathing.

Take an ounce of Maiden-haire, an ounce of raisins of the Sun stoned, 2 sticks
of liquorish sliced, a handfull of hysop a litle dryed, a fennel root sliced with the
inner stick taken out, half a dozen parsly roots with the sticks likewise taken out,
Boile all together in a botle of water, till it coms to a quarte. Drinck of it morning
& evening luke-warme.

A Consumptive Cough.

Take a quarter of an ounce of China roots, so much of flos or flower of Sulphur
half an ounce of white sugar candy, beate all to pouder, and take as much att once
as will lye on a groat in the papp of an apple.

Dropsy & green Sickness.

Take of Aloes finely beaten zii of Rubarbe zi. sliced thin, dry it in a
sawcer vpon embers; pouder of steel half a dragme, temper them with a litle
claret wine till they be like paste; then make them into pills; Take them
every morning & continue so exercising after it, and if need be make another
doze, take 2 or 3 pills dayly. It is approved.

Sr. Reinlym Digbies Dyet Drinck.

Take 400 sowes & two good handfulls of Sage & two litle handfull of rue, bruise
the sowes & pound the hearbs, putt all this into 4 gallons of small Ale, when it
has done working, Att 5 days old drinck it for your ordinary drinck.

An Oyntment for a burne or scald. It fetches out
the fire Gun-pouder & leaveth noe scarr, healing the skin.

Take 2 handfull of brambles leaves, otherwise called black-berries leaves, 2 hand-
-fulls of ground Ivy, 2 handfull of the midlerine of the Elme, 2 ounces of sheeps-
doung as newly dunged as you can gather it, 2 pounds of vnsalted butter; cutt your
rine in peeces, then lay it in water an houre, take it and Chopp it with all the
other ingredients; then putt them into a skellet with the butter, lett it boile till
all the substance of your hearbs be out, then straine it into a gally-pott. it is
to be applyed cold.

For a paine in the Eare.

Take a turnup & cover it in the Embers till it is roasted, then cutt it in half,
and tye it vp in a cloth, & clap the flatt side very hott to your Eare, when you goe
to bed, when it is cold take it off.


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The Dropsy and Green Sickness recipe has a measurement symbol in it, but I don't remember what it stands for.