



Status: Needs Review

{94}To make a poultis for
all swellings

Take . 2 . or . 3 . handsfull of salendine and cut it
small with a knife then boile it in grounds
of ale or beare, and put thereto a good quantity
of sheeps suet with as much wheate branne as will
make it spreade upon a plaster but if it
be for a cold, cause then to bee put in a handfull
of cammomill.

{95}To make a poultis for all
a white swellings or red

Take grounds of ale or beare, and hollihock
leaues and flowers if you can get them - shred
and boile them in the said licor, put in a good
quantity of sheeps suet shred, while they are
boiling, thicken it with wheaten branne, also
put in the boiling thereof a little urine of a
childe, you must obserue if it be a red taking
that your holihocks be white, and if it be a
white taking that your holihacks be red, spreade
all these upon a plaister and apply it so warme
as the patient is able to endure

{96}A precious seare cloth for the
healing of a runing sore

Take oyle of Roses . x . ounces uirgins waxe . 8 .
ounces. Cerus small beaten ^ 7 ounces camfere smale [.elen] 3. drames, melt the
oyle and waxe together, then put in the cerus,
till it can change colour, and then put in the
Camphire, then take it off the fire, and dipe the
cloth therein .

{97}To make Black salue to heale
old sores, Aches & wounds

Take a quarter of a pound of unwrought waxe
2 ounces of ordinary pitch . 2 . ounces of rosen
2[.] worth of olibanum, halfe a pinte of sallet
oyle, as much of turpentine, melt all these
together in a little deepe kettle, then take one

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Another instance of the abbreviation I am unfamiliar with (possibly for penny)