



Status: Needs Review

an opener and a cleanser, but for any old ulcer it is
good to be used twice a day, and you shall neuer need
to tent any wound wherein this oyle is put; it is also
good for any other that come with cold, and if any
wound or sore be stopt, scrape some lint and wett it
in the oyle and it will open it againe, the uertue of
this oyle is, when any one take a bruise by falling
or otherwise then to annoint the bruised place
with it warmed, and then lay a thin cloth next
unto it, which must not be remoued from morning
till night, you must keepe the place bruised uery
warme with clothes

{92}To make oyle of anisseed

Take . 2 poun d of anisseed, bruise it in a morter, then
put it in 4 . hallons of water, and put it in a pot
under the lymbbeck, as you doe for aqua uite, pasting
your pot uery close, and keeping a hotter fire under
it then you doe for Aqua uita, being sure to keepe
the head of your Limbeck cold, the first that comes
out will be strongest, put your water into broad
mouthed glasses, or uessels and let it stand all night
and in the morning with a spoone made for the
purpose take off your oyle, and put it into little
glasses for the use

{93}To make Black salue

Take a pennyworth of rosin, as much of stone pitch,
turpentine, and hony as much 2 [.] worth of Beese
waxe, melt all these together with some sheepes
or deere suet, this salue is good for any greene
wound or old ulcerated sore whatsoeuer, if there bee
any proud of dead flesh, take the powder of mercury
precipitate, otherwise calld red mercury, and put it into
the wound to cleare it as occasion shall serue, then
dresse it, you may also use Ægyptiacum to cleare
the wound as you see occasion

Notes and Questions

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There is an abbreviation I am not confident of; it may be for a penny.

The author also uses the letter 'Æ'. I have transcribed it as such but just wanted to check if that is alright or if it should be transcribed as 'Ae'