Wellcome Collection: Coley Family (MS1711 )

Receipt book containing cookery receipts in English: with additions by several hands, and a few medical receipts.


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(66) Preserves Cherrys Preserved in Brandy Take the finest Morella Cherrys when full ripe, cut the stalk off. to 6 pd. of them 3 pd of fine sugar. boyle the sugar first to a clear syrup then take half of that syrup, put it in the preserving pan, & the other in a china bason. Lay some of the cherrys in the sugar that is in the preseving pan. & boyle them till they begin to break, as soon as the skin begins to break take them out with a skimmer & lay them gently into the cold sugar that is in the bason, put more fresh cherrys into the pan. till all are done the same way, then let them stand till night in yr sugar, but before you go to bed take them out. & put them into bottles that are wide mouth'd, pour some of the best french brandy upon them as will cover them. Cork the bottles & the next day take the syrup all together as well that where the cherrys have lain in, as that where they have been boyled. boyle it to a strong syrup that will keep, when you take it off the fire, pour to it 1/2 a pt. of french brandy, when it is cold measure the syrup & take as much of the brandy wherein the cherrys have lain all night/as you have of yr syrup & if wanted, some more fresh brandy to it to make it of the same measure as yr syrup. mix it well together, & fill yr bottles, wherein you have yr. cherrys to yr top. Cork & tye a leather over them to keep them close. note that you don't fill the bottles with too many cherrys, least they should be squeezed & not keep so well, they must rather swim in liquor, this quantity will fill 3 qt. bottles one qt of brandy to 6 pd of cherrys & 3 pd. of loaf sugar.

Last edit 5 months ago by christina.jameson
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(67) 36 Preserves &

White Quince Marmalade Take one pound of Quince & 2 a pound of fine sugar pare & quarter them in a bason as you do them strew sugar upon them keeping some always on, keep some of the sugar to throw in as they boyle. When you set them on the fire put in 6 spoonfulls of Water boyling them quick, when they are almost enough put in 6 spoonfulls of the juice of quinces, let them boyle a little then glass them. If you put in 4 of a of a pound of Pippins to every pound of Quince it will make it look clear.

Red Quinces Quarter'd Take a pd of quinces when pared & cored, quarter them, then take the parings & cores, & put them in the preserving pan. cover them with water, boyle them till soft then strain the liquor & let it just boyle, to a pd of sugar a pint of liquor then put in your quinces & cover them very close, set it over a gentle fire & let em simer till they are very tender.

Quince Cake White & Red Take quinces scald them till they are a soft as codlings, then scrap the pap of them to yr core & colour that you would have red with yr juice of barberries, then take yr weight of yr quinces in sugar damp it with water & boyle it candy high, then put yr pulp to it, set it on a ston fire when your sugar is disolved take it off & stir it till it is almost cold then drop it in little cakes on plates & dry them.

Last edit 19 days ago by christina.jameson


(68) Preserves & C

Stew'd Apples

Take 3 pts. of Spring Water 2 a p.d of fine Sugar. boyle it & Scum it, then have some Lemon peel cut very thin & small, let that boyle in the Syrup, & 20 Pippins cut into halves pared; & Cored, keep the cored side upwards. let 'em boyle till they are tender. then add 1/2 a p.d of Sugar, w.ch must first be dissolved in the juice of 2 Lemons, let them boyle a very little more & serve it up. they may be eat hot or cold.

Another Way Cut y.r Apples in halves & core them, take 1.2 a p.t of White Wine a pt. of Water a little Cinamon, Lemon peel, sweeten it to y.r taste, let them boyle till they are tender, turn 'em some times, when they are enough take out the Apples, lay 'em in a China Dish, then Squeexe the juice of a lemon into the Liquor, let them boyle 1/4 of an hour, pour it upon y.e Apples

To Preserve Barberrys

Take the finest Barberrys you can get pick em of or you May lit them remain or wash em and put 2 pound of Lofe Sugar to a pound of Barberrys let your Sugar be in large nubs just dip it in Soft watter and put in your pan set it over the fire till it is disolvd when it boils [] it and let it stand untill cold then put in your Barbearys let them do very gentely over a slow fire take them on [] if as you see the Fire to fierce you must be very carfull if thay are done to much the meddely will come out and they will be nothing but hulls when done skin them out and boil the Syrup, again when coild [] it and let it Stand till cold and put it to []

Serve them as other sweet meets

Last edit 4 months ago by makinghistoryaccessible5
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(69) Preserves & To Preserve Oranges

Take the best Spanish Oranges to every pound allow a pound and three quarters of duble refind sugar have them very thin lay them in watter 3 Days shifting the watter every Day Set them over a fire in a good deal of Watter Boil em till thay are so tender you may with a Ease run a Straw through them for fear the watter should Boil away have good quantity ready boiling to throw in when occasoin thay will not boil under 1 or so hours when thay are boild make a hole in the top and take out as many of the Seeds as you can Stuff em full of the Sugar finely Coat have a Score of pipins siliced in to watter boild and the Liquor straind from them then 3 pint of the Sugar been left of sulling the oranges put in the pipin Liquor scum it and let it be cold then put in the Oranges set on the fire let them boil a pace prick em with a bodkin and Store in the other part of Sugar by [degrees?] a pint of pipin Liquor to a pound oranges boil till your oranges look clear and the Liquor will jelly your surest way with the oranges not to Break is to Tye the oranges in muslain cloth

To clarify Sugar

Take loaf Sugar dip it in watter and put it in your pan let it just heat to disolve the Sugar take it off beat the whittes of Eggs acording to the quantity of Sugar beat them to a high froth and stew them in the sugar set it over the fire and let it Boil till you see it clear then take it off and lit it stand untill you see the scum stiffish then skim it of as hole as you can that the Bits may not Swim about it, it must not be stew'd before or when it is Boiling when you have done this it is put on aprycots plumbs Barberrys or any thing of this kind

Last edit 19 days ago by christina.jameson
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(70) Preserves &c

To Preserve Figgs

Take the Figgs on the nigth of June and take ther Waight of Sugar double refined cut the in the sides and take out all ther Seeds then heave them as thin as possible and put them in cold watter then set them over a Gentet Close covered let them boil till a little tender then take them off and let them stand till cold them put them in a callender to Drain after they have been put in to Gucen then have your Syrup ready to put them in when it is cold boil them up once and Strew Some Sugar over them which must be saved and of the waight let them stand untill cold then Boil them again So do for 6 times till ther cleave or let them stand a Day in the Syrup and so boil them the next Day Skim them Clear put them in your pots and boil your Syrup once and thrw over them some orange flowers and thin rind of Lemon

To Preserve Mulberrys

Take a pound of mulberrys and an pound of Lofe Sugar and let it do gentely over a fire till pretty Soft but must not let them so to much if you do they will run in to Supot when they have stood a little put them in your jars, if you do them Ferment boil the juice up again with more sugar

Last edit 3 months ago by sfemet
Displaying pages 86 - 90 of 156 in total