Wellcome Collection: Coley Family (MS1711 )

Receipt book containing cookery receipts in English: with additions by several hands, and a few medical receipts.


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(46) Creams & Spanish Butter Take a Qt. of Cream & 2 quarts Milk a blade or two of Mace, boyle it together then stir it till it is almost Cold, & let it stand in an Earthen pan a day & a night then scum off the Cream & sweeten it & put in a little Orange Flower WAter, & beat it with a Whisk.

Snow Cream Break the Whites of 6 Eggs, put there to a little Rose or Orange flower Water, beat them well together with a bunch of feathers, till they resemble Snow, then lay the said Snow in heaps upon Cream that is cold, put under yr. Cream in the bottom of the Dish, part of a penny loaf, & stick therein a branch of Rosemary or bays, & fill yr. tree with the said Snow, the Cream must be sweetend to yr. tast.

Rice Cream Take 3 spoonfulls of Rice flower, as much Sugar, the yolks of 2 Eggs two Spoonfulls of Orange Flower Water, mix alltogehter with a pint of Cream Stir it over the fire will tis thick pour it into China Cups.

Almond Leech Take an ounce & 1/2 of Iseing glass, pull it in small peices, & put it into Water 3 or 4 hours to soften it, then put it into 3 pts. of Milk with Lemon peels cut thin & 3 blad's of mace a peice of ginger sliced, a bout half a pd. of Loaf Sugar, boyle them all gently 1/2 an hour, stirring it all the While one way then pour into the boyling Liquor 3 spoonfulls of Sack or Orange flower Water, & the grated peel of a Seville Orange & 1/4 of a pd. of blanched Alomnds finely beaten then let them boyle 1/2 an hour stirring them one way all the while then Strain yr juice of a Seville Orange into it then pass it thro' a fine Seive or Muslin & stir it one way till almostCold, when quite cold put it in wt. form you please.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Rkaiser
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(47) Creams & To make Calves foot Jelly Put four Calves feet and a quarter of a pound of Hartshorn Shavings into about six quarts of Spring Water let it boyl till it is Consum'd to two quarts then strain it from the feet, & when it is quite Cold cut the fat of ye top & the settling from the bottom, & to a quart of this Jelly you must have a Pint of Mountain Wine & near a Pint of sherry or moselle Wine, the Juice of four fine Lemons ye Whites of twelve Eggs beat to froth above haulf a pound of Sugar, if ye Jelly be very stiff almost a pint of water of less as you see it proper, water helps to Brighten & clear your Jelly, you must make ye Jelly after ye following manner first set ye Jelly on a melt then it oil up and put in ye Lemon Juice but you must put ye juice in boiling hot if you have anything of Silver it is the best to boil the Juice in Let your Jelly have one boil after ye have put ye juice in then take a littel in a bason & run it through ye Jelly Bag that you may tast if it want anymore of any of the Ingredients [] thus thickens the Bag then fill you Jelly bagg halg full and put in the peel of a Lemon or mrore if you like it yello, fill your bag & put back what runs out for severall times till you see it looks perfectly Clear. your Jelly Bagg must be made of Double Linnin not very fine, put a whole Egg in ye bottom of the bag it makes it run better& Clearer First wash your Egg.

Floating Island Tkae the pulp of apple or gooseberries about ye value of there large Spoonfulls, put to it the whites of two Eggs sweeten it to your tast it it is not tast enough put in a little juice of Lemon, beat it in a deep pan for an hour and half then heap it up upon a dish as high as you can & pour as much Cream round it as you like, you may make it of Currant Jelly, or Rapsberries jam, but two Spoonfulls of either will be sufficient, it should be beat very high.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Rkaiser
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Cream Curd

Take one quart of sweet cream. put one pint of sour, 8 eggs leaving out 2 whites a little salt, then put into a wide stew pan, quart of spring water and one quart of new milk, as soon as it boils put in the cream and the curd will rise to the top, when you see them break from the whey you must take them off with a skimmer on to a cloath tyed over a sieve or pan, they must not be stir'd till quite cold. these curds make pretty cheesecakes if you add a few yolks of eggs, a little orange honey or rose water & some sugar, a few shread almonds or currant if you like it. you must add a little piece of butter also

Receipts taken out of Glasses Book

To make Lemon Cheesecakes

Take the peel of two large lemons, boil it very tender then pound it with a mortar with a quarter of a pound or more of loaf sugar, the yolks six eggs & half a pound of fresh butter; pound & mix all well together lay a puff past in yr patty pans, fill them half full & bake them, orange cheesecakes are done the same way, only you boil the peel in two or three waters to take out the bitterness

a Second sort of Lemon cheesecakes

Take two large lemons, grate off the peel of both & squeeze the juice of one. & add to it half a pound of double refined sugar, twelve yolks of eggs eight whites well beaten, then melt half a pound of butter in four or five spoonfulls of cream, then stir it all together & set it over the fire stirring it till it begins to be pretty thick, then take it off & when it is cold, fill your patty pans little more than half full, put a past very thin at the bottom of your patty pans. half an hour with a quick oven will bake them

Last edit over 1 year ago by christina.jameson
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To make Almond Cheesecakes

Take half a pound of Jordan almonds and lay them in cold water all night the next morning blanch them into cold water, then take them out and dry them in a clean cloth. beat them very fine in a little orange flower water, then take six eggs, leave out four whites, beat them and strain them then half a pound of white sugar, with a little beaton mace; beat them well together in a marble mortar, take ten ounces of good fresh butter, melt it, a little grated lemon peel, and put them in the mortar with the other in-gredience; mix all well together, and fill your patty pans.

To make Fairy Butter

Take the yolks of two hard eggs & beat them in a marble mortar, with a large spoonfull of orange flower water & two teaspoonfuls of fine sugar beat to powder beat this all together till it is a fine paste, them mix it up with about as much fresh butter out of the churn, & force it through a fine strainer full of tiny holes into a plate this is a pretty thing to set off a table at supper.

To make Almond Custards

Take a pint of cream. Blanch & beat a quarter of a pound of almonds fine, with two spoonfuls of rose water, sweeten it to your palate; beat up the yolk of four eggs stir it all together one way over the fire till it thick, then pour it out into cups or you may bake it in little china cups

To make Baked Custards

one pint of cream boiled with mace & cinnamon; when cold take four eggs, the whites left out, a little rose and orange flower water sack, nutmeg & sugar to your palate; mix them well together & bake them in china cups.

To make plain Custards

Take a quart of new milk, sweeten it to your taste, grate in a little nutmeg beat up eight eggs, leave out half the whites, beat them up well, stir them into yr milk & bake it in china basons, or put them in a deep china dish have a kitt of water boiling, set the cup in, let the water come above half way. but dont let boil in fast for fear of it getting into the cups. you may add a little rose water

Last edit over 1 year ago by christina.jameson
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50 Creams &c

To make Orange Butter Take the yolks of ten eggs, beat very well, half a pint of Rhenish, six ounces of sugar and the juice of three sweet oranges; set them over a gentle fire, stiring them one way till it is thick. when you take it off, stir in a piece of Butter as big as a large walnut

To make Steeple Cream Take five ounces of harts horn, & two ounces of Ivory & put them into a stone Bottle, fill it up with fair water to the neck, put in a small quantity of gum arabick and gum dragon; then tie up the bottle very close, & set it into a pot of water, [&] lay at the bottom. Let it stand six hours, then take it out, & let it stand an hour before you open it, least it fly in your face; then strain it, & it will be a strong jelly, then take a pound of blanched almonds, beat them very fine, mix it with a pint of thick cream, & let it stand a little; then strain it out, & mix it with a pound of jelly, set it over the fire till it is scalded hot, sweeten it to your taste with double refined sugar, then take it off, put in a little amber, & pour it into small high gallipots, like a sugar loaf at top, when it is cold, turn them & lay cold whipt-cream about them in heaps, be sure it does not boil when the cream is in.

Lemon Cream Take five large lemons, pare them as thin as possible, steep them all night in twenty spoonfuls of spring water, with the juice of the lemons, then strain it through a jelly bag into a silver saucepan, if you have one, the whites of six eggs beat well, ten ounces of doubled refined sugar, set it over a very slow fire of charcoal, stir all the time one way, skim it, & when it is as hot as you can bear your fingers in, pour it into Glasses.

A Second Lemon Cream Take the juice of four large Lemons, half a pint of water, a pound of double refined sugar beaten fine, the whites of seven eggs, & ye yolk of one beaten very well, mix all together, strain it ans set it on a gentle fire, stirring it all the while, and scum it clean put into it the peel of one lemon, when it is very hot, but dont boil, take out the Lemon peel, and pour it into china dishes, you must observe to keep it stirring one way all the time it is over the fire.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Scarlett
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