Pleasant Hill January 16th 1816
part 1st
Tusday 16 | I think it rained about as hard this
Wednesday 17 | this morning at an early hour it began to
day or till 7 ocl PM at which time it
clear'd off and left us a pleasant night
Thursday 18 | This was a fine clear day the snow thawd
Friday 19 | This day was partly clear but with a strong
Saturday 20 | this was a fine clear day all day withih a gentle
Sabbath 21 | this day was verry mutch like yesterday
Monday 22 | this was another fine pirty clear day |
Tusday 23 | this morning at 4 ocl it Began to
Wednesday 24 | this day was partly cloudy all day
Thursday 25 | this day was mutch like yesterday
Began to rain and continued gently
during the night
Friday 26 | This day was some rainy and desperate muddy
Saturday 27 | last night it cleard off and froze some |
bare my weight tho this day turned out to be
party clear and quite pleasant
Sabbath 28 | this day was cloudy and quite cool with
Monday 29 | this was a fine clear day and quite warm for the season
Tuesday 30 | this day was mutch like yesterday excepting |
Wednesday 31 | this morning [?] on early it clouded over and
verry cold