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January 1 1816 part first
Thursday 1st [This morning?] 4 ocl it began to snow and continued [illegible] then quit tho it only whitened the ground [illegible] the [illegible] remain'd cloudy and quite cold.
Friday 2 this was a find clear day with a gentle southeast brease
Saturday 3 I think this days was warm a plenty for the middle of may it was also clear and [illegible ] and a tremendous south wind was in motion this morning.
Sabbath 4 At an early hour it began to rain hail and thunder and continued till 7 AM the wind being verry high then shifted in the north and at 10 ocl PM it entierly clear'd off, and left us a verry cool after noon.
Monday 5 this AM was cloudy and [insertion] several [end insertion] [crossed out] some [end cross out] several snow squals fell during AM but at 12 ocl it clear'd off and left us a gentle PM
Tuesday 6 this morning we had a conciderable large feast and a tolerable pleasant day suceded tho we had a strong south wind all day
Wednesday 7 this morning [illegible] an early their fell a light a light skift of snow and a cool day suceded but without any more snow
Thursday 8 this day as a verry clear day but [?] think the coldest day that we had this season.---Not sure we had a high. North wind.
Friday 9 this day was verry mutch like yesterday tho I think not quite so cold
Saturday 10 This day was rather haisy and moderately [warm?]
Sabbath 11 this morning at an early hour their fell a light shower of rain however this rain was verry [gentle?] but when the morning rose the south west wind rose also and blew verry hard all day and about 3 PM it began to rain again and continued at intervills till the day was expired.
Monday 12 Note this day was verry smoky this morning at 3 ocl the wind shifted in the north west adn blew verry hard all day tho the day being clear and cool

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