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January 1st 1816 this Book is laid off in three parts the first onley containing a genneral description of the weather the second contains the most part of the public work bildings moovings travelers and my own work and so forth the 3nd is only of my own clothing and the 4 part is onley [deletion: for] to share when things are neglected of being set down in their due season
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part 1st | January the 1[st?] Monday pleasant hill |
Monday 1st | this was a cold cloudy day all day But with |
Tuesday 2 | This day was some cloudy but mutch warmer |
Wednesday 3 | this day was partly clear all day and quite warm |
thursday 4 | this was a cold cloudy and windy day with |
Friday 5 | this day was verry mutch like yesterday |
Saturday 6 | this morning at an early hour it snowed som[e?] |
Sabbath 7 | this morning about 2 ocl their was a clea[?] |
Monday 8 | this is fare the coldest day that has |
the coldest day | windy |
Tusday 9 | this day fare surpasses yesterday for cold and a |
Wednesday 10 | this was a fine clear still day till 7 PM |
Thursday 11 | this morning at an early hour it began to |
friday 12 | this day was some cloudy but quite pleasan[t?] |
Saturday 13 | this day was cloudy all day but without sn[ow?] |
Sabbath 14 | this was a fine clear day for the first |
Monday 15 | this day was cloudy all day and just 7 ocl PM |
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Pleasant Hill January 16th 1816 part 1st
Tusday 16 | I think it rained about as hard this |
Wednesday 17 | this morning at an early hour it began to |
Thursday 18 | This was a fine clear day the snow thawd |
Friday 19 | This day was partly clear but with a strong |
Saturday 20 | this was a fine clear day all day withih a gentle |
Sabbath 21 | this day was verry mutch like yesterday |
Monday 22 | this was another fine pirty clear day |
Tusday 23 | this morning at 4 ocl it Began to |
Wednesday 24 | this day was partly cloudy all day |
Thursday 25 | this day was mutch like yesterday |
Friday 26 | This day was some rainy and desperate muddy |
Saturday 27 | last night it cleard off and froze some |
Sabbath 28 | this day was cloudy and quite cool with |
Monday 29 | this was a fine clear day and quite warm for the season |
Tuesday 30 | this day was mutch like yesterday excepting |
Wednesday 31 | this morning [?] on early it clouded over and |
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January 1 1816 part first Thursday 1st [This morning?] 4 ocl it began to snow and continued [illegible] then quit tho it only whitened the ground [illegible] the [illegible] remain'd cloudy and quite cold. Friday 2 this was a find clear day with a gentle southeast brease Saturday 3 I think this days was warm a plenty for the middle of may it was also clear and [illegible ] and a tremendous south wind was in motion this morning. Sabbath 4 At an early hour it began to rain hail and thunder and continued till 7 AM the wind being verry high then shifted in the north and at 10 ocl PM it entierly clear'd off, and left us a verry cool after noon. Monday 5 this AM was cloudy and [insertion] several [end insertion] [crossed out] some [end cross out] several snow squals fell during AM but at 12 ocl it clear'd off and left us a gentle PM Tuesday 6 this morning we had a conciderable large feast and a tolerable pleasant day suceded tho we had a strong south wind all day Wednesday 7 this morning [illegible] an early their fell a light a light skift of snow and a cool day suceded but without any more snow Thursday 8 this day as a verry clear day but [?] think the coldest day that we had this season.---Not sure we had a high. North wind. Friday 9 this day was verry mutch like yesterday tho I think not quite so cold Saturday 10 This day was rather haisy and moderately [warm?] Sabbath 11 this morning at an early hour their fell a light shower of rain however this rain was verry [gentle?] but when the morning rose the south west wind rose also and blew verry hard all day and about 3 PM it began to rain again and continued at intervills till the day was expired. Monday 12 Note this day was verry smoky this morning at 3 ocl the wind shifted in the north west adn blew verry hard all day tho the day being clear and cool
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Pleasant Hill [after?] Tuesday 13th [April?] [illegible writing in margin] 5 Tuesday 13 this morning about 7 ocl [obscured by stain] clouded over and Began to snow tho the [wind] being verry high soon stoped the snow but the day remain [obscured by stain] cloudy and verry cold some thinks this evening [obscured by stain] is the coldest that we have had and I [partly? hartily?] believe it
Wednesday 14 Another day but little inferior to what yesterday was tho no snow fell
Thursday 15 this was a butiful day both clear and pleasant and verry still
Friday 16 this day was cloudy [strikethrough] and [/strikethrough] with a strong wind and just at 5 ocl PM it began to rain and continued all night
Saturday 17 it rain'd all this day quite hard with a strong south wind
Sabbath 18 this morning is still raining with a strong a south wind as I have fel't this year without any exceptions tho about 11 ocl AM it quit raining but continued cloudy and windy till the day was expired
Monday 19 it appears as tho the weather has changed Last evening for this morning when we rose it was snowing some tho their was not a sufficen quantity fell to cover the ground it continued to spit litely till 11 ocl AM at which time it quit and clear'd off - and left us a [prty?] clear and still PM.
Tusday 20 this was a fine clear day and quite warm till 7 ocl PM when it cloudeded over and mutch Lightning was ushered fourth from the south west But with out rain.
Wednesday 21 this morning at an early hour it began to rain. the but little fell during the hole day but their was a tremendious wind as I ever felt
Thursday 22 this was a fine clear day all day and quite warm
friday 23 this day was mutch like yesterday till 5 ocl PM when it clouded over