Page 6




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the mouth of the creek we pushed on to the
night and swing to the fork coming in at a
very acute angle we were some time before we got in
sight of the [Creek?], which when we approach'd the
firing be came general along our lines which we immediately
formed in order of battle and my company
came up directly at the Bridge and Indian Camp
which a few fires soon routed, they having first set
fire to the Bridge and Mill. the latter of which was
consumed with several thousand Bushells of wheat
several of my company narrowly escaped being killed
or wounded, but half an hour put us in possession
of the Bridge and whole Indian Camps which they
had abandoned with precipitation, having stowed
their plunder in every direction. In this fight Capt
Price and Combs of our Regt each had a man killed and
Sargeant Major Dickison was shot thru the thigh and had
his horse killed under him. Capt Craig was wounded in
the shoulder, the enemy had also torn up the town
Bridge and [?], as soon as the firing had ceasd
[Genl?] Harrison sent his aid to know our situation
Col Johns went to the [Genl?], and upon his Return

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