Page 5
now confident in overtaking the British so that my
(sp) war made for a flight
October 4th we march'd very early and in about sin
miles our spies and teh British and Indian find up =
= on one another. The enemy weve hid behind lames of
finrer and some on the opposite side of the Pines
we formed the line of Battle and while formed a
woman who appeard to have been sent as our guard =
ian Angel came to us in the woods and informed
us that about sin miles above the River forked, that
there was a larger bridge a crop the mouth of the
Right hand fork and a mill and bridge about
a mile and a half up the fork where the Indians
were encampt and she enprichd that they would
make a stand and fight us at that place, this
information put us on our guard, and this day
we march'd in front and on the extreme right of
the foot troops over the worst logs swamps of Brush
I ever saw, and very rapidly sometimes in a gallop
about twelve of back of firing command on our
left and our caravan opend at the bridge at
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