Page 7




Status: Incomplete

Capt Combs and Rice were sent with their company
to cross at the Lower Bridge and reconoiter around
our bridge on the opposite side in the mean time
several of my company crossed over on foot upon the
cills of the Bridge which had not been cut and
[J?] Cardwill was shot at by an Indian & the Bullit
cut his overhalls between his legs. we found several
fine bear skins and many fine Brass Kettles & Indian
plunder of all kinds and four or five lambs of flour
the Indians had pound out all the flour they had.
a party was sent immediately to repairing the bridge
and in one hour we crossed and in about a
mile we halted and found that the British [?] Indian
had set fire to a fine Schooner with two masts loaded
with muskets, cannon balls & Military Stores of an
immense amount, which had all burnt down to
the water edge, every eight or ten minutes a bomb
would burst which, the enemy supposed with [injure?]
us but they were mistaken for our caution was
equal to their craft and [civil?] designs. after grazing
our horses a few minutes. we marched on after the fact

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