Pages That Mention Nemesis
Abstract log of the E. I. Ship Clarence, 1864-1891.
p. 136
are ashore in Garden Reach & one sunk a little beloow below the Garden House, with it is to be feared loss of life. The steamer "Bengal" is high & dry opposite the Peninsular & Oriental Companys moorings, the "Nubia" is dismasted & the "Nemesis" adrift. The old "Hindostan" which was used as a Hulk & Floating church, sunk this morning, it appears that having broken adrift she fouled the "Nemesis" doin her damage & finally rolling over & over went down opposite the King of Oude's house. The ships that foundered are as far as we can learn the "Lady Franklin" "Govindpore" "Asemia" "Anne Royden", "Loo Choo" "Vespasian" "Ville de St Denis" "Merrie England"; the tug steamers "Hercules" "Fire Queen" "Banshee" "Satellite" & "Linnet" & the Hindustan The "Moulmein" which was generally supposed to have been lost, is adrift. Great loss of life it is to be feared, has attended these founderings. Many European sailors were to be seen, during the gale floating down the river on pieces of wreck & we have heard the num- ber lost estimated as high as three hundred but this we are unwilling to believe. A man named Cleary whose heroism should be handsomely rewarded
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 170
long stay unless the "Nemesis" comes to releive us. Capt. sent down about 6 for me to go on shore & take a walk Capt. Mrs. Eales & I went ashore Mrs. E nearly got a tumble in the mud. from the Canoe slipping. took the four dogs with us. Kate Barney Billy & little Kate had them all in the water. Walked along the river's bank about three miles up to a pagoda on a hill with the priests house near it rather a nicely built house [written above: saw] several gods inside the pagoda. went across a ditch with three planks as a bridge nearly all the buffaloes on the road broke loose & went scampering away. the pariah's shewed a great inclination to bite our heels pulled some Indian Corn at a garden & some Chillies & returned on bd. at 1/4 past 8 the walk back very warm
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at Singhgong
of the largest that has been killed in Sandoway. lay in the jungle three days after it was shot before it was found. very bad toothache all day.
Tuesday Jany. 25th. 1859
Left Singhgong at 1/2 past 6 [struck through: today] this mg. taking the Comrs. schooner in tow. Capt. brought word last night that the ''Nemesis" passed Saugor going to sea on the 13th. Made some Chemical Soap this Mg. to rub on the tigers skin. beautiful cool pleasant day. like a fine summer day in England Anchored at one ocl. off Ramree Creek Comrs. Schooner cast off & proceeded up the Creek to remain 2 days. remained on bd. all day.
Wednesday Jany. 26th. 1859
Up a little after 7. took Salt water bath. Cutter going up
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Friday Jany. 28th. 1859
Looking out daily for the Arrival of the "Nemesis" reported she was to leave Calcutta on the 21st. re- mained on bd. all day went ashore with Young Law in the afternoon bought some Burmah boxes in the Bazaar. 31 Rupee.
Saturday Jany. 29th. 1859
Capt. Bowen Capt. Ripley went on a shooting xcursion this mg. in Ripleys boat. Mrs. Eales went to spend the day with Mrs. Verner. on our arrival in Kyouk Phyoo found Evans had gone to Akyab. 12 ocl Sighted the Nemesis [written above: fired a gun to bring Captn. back] Coming to [written above: be] our releif. Came into the harbour between 2 & 3. Dibbs & I went on bd. Saw Capt Goodwin Johnson introduced to Dr. Maynood brother of him in the Sydney Went to the Capts Cabin had a glass
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sherry Capt. Ripley Eales Bowen came on bd . Went on bd. the "Proserpine" with the Dr. & 2nd. officer, had dinner Went & dined with Capt. Ripley in the Cos. party. Ripley (Hunt 2nd. Nemesis) Young Dr. Maynood Johnson Dibbs (East 1st. Nemesis) returned on bd. between 9 & 10.
Sunday Jany. 30th. 1859
Laying still at Anchor in Kyouk Phyoo Webt on bd. the Nemesis in the Afternoon. Bowen Dibb Johnson on bd.
Monday Jany. 31st. 1859
Capt. Gordon & Dr. Maynood came aboard this mg. Went on bd. the "Nemesis" Stayed all day Earl Dr. Ripley Capt. Eales & Gordon went to call on the Commissioner returned on br. between 4 & 5 dressed & went up to dine with Ripley a very large party 16 Comr.